Through the lens of communism, state societies produce conflicts and wars. Specifically, wars represent conflicts of the ruling classes of different nations. From this point of view, the international conflict caused by North Korea firing second missile over Japan is the result of class capitalist societies, including the United States and Japan, trying to expand capitalism and their power all over the world. In order to achieve this ambition, they prevent communist societies, such as North Korea, to build up their military potential. The issue can be examined differently, depending on the type of communist theory one adopts.
From the perspective of Chinese communism, the solution to the problem lies in developing an energetic and firm policy that would stop capitalist aggression from expansion. Specifically, through the lens of this ideology, it might be helpful to produce a new set of policies that would allow nuclear tests. Yet, Lenin’s theory of communism offers a different solution. If one adopts Lenin’s perspective, this international conflict is irreconcilable and represents the effort of capitalism to expand globally. However, this conflict, together with other conflicts, will eventually afford proletariat a chance for world revolution and a shift from capitalism to communism.
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"North Korea Communism Ideology".
From this point of view, during conflicts like the one described above, former colonial and semi-colonial world, together with proletariat, should unite its forces in order to create a strong opposition to the capitalist pressure. Once communism is expanded globally, there will be no place for wars because all nations will be a part of communist brotherhood. The Soviet Union used a similar solution during the times of the Cold War, trying to create alliance with counties from Eastern Europe and from the East. It is important to note, however, that this solution did not lead to the anticipated results because of the collapse of the Soviet Union.