
Living Alone In The Dorm

567 words | 2 page(s)

Students always face certain dilemmas and choices throughout the tenure at the university. Two things come to mind, when one aspect may be considered better than the other. The first is the following: living at the dorm in solitude is better than living with a roommate for the following reasons: privacy, peace, more personal freedom, and full control of the living space. Another topic concerns food. Cooking for oneself may be better than using university outlets, because when cooking for oneself, a person is able to control the process fully and ensure that the quality of food leaves no questions.

Living alone in the dorm room has doubtless aforementioned merits. Although a case could be made for living with a roommate: better opportunities for socializing, assistance in all kinds of matters on any level, be it academic or day-to-day, if necessary. A roommate has an undeniable duality about him, however, as he can be of great help and support, or be a terrible nuisance and a hindrance to the studying process. With that said – having whole room to oneself, if possible, still provides better opportunities. One can easily socialize provided there is enough wish, and, at the same time, have a chance to be alone during those moments when solitude helps most of all, for instance, during studying for an exam. Living in solitude gives the student freedom of choice how to spend time, how much should be allocated to socializing, etc. Moreover, it definitely allows for better flexibility as living with the roommate is always a responsibility and a compromise. Living alone gives much more independence. When discussing the matter, it is also necessary to remember about the types of personalities: life style in solitude would never be positive for extraverts.

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Food is a very important component in the life of any student: correct nutrition can do wonders for one’s mental capabilities and is bound to contribute positively to the studying process. Cooking for oneself offers an opportunity to exclusively oversee the cooking process and to control the state of the food. Only problem with such an approach that is rather time consuming. Using food outlets available at the university can save time immensely and provide opportunities to include several more activities into the schedule, as cooking, and cooking healthy food, in particular, can take lots of time. This is a difficult issue indeed, as healthy nutrition and time are both incredibly essential resources for a students. Luckily, more and more universities adopt programs, which involve healthy types of food only, such as vegetables, fruits, and dairy products, so that the amount of consumed half-fabricated, fried, or carbide plenty food could be mitigated. Granted that obesity has already become one of the most severe problems within the United States, it seems more appropriate to cook food for oneself and ensure that it provides health benefits for the organism. This should be a worthy investment of time: investing additional time into health is never a negative phenomenon.

As is evident, both topics have controversial sides to them so that it is rather difficult to reach a clearly defined consensus. With everything said, it seems that the ideas voiced in the thesis are definitely better than other options. Living in solitude provides more privacy and flexibility. Cooking for oneself helps the student ensure that the food is healthy and would not hinder the organism in any way.

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