
Erectile Dysfunction and the Heart

582 words | 2 page(s)

Erectile dysfunction describes the inability to sustain or achieve an erection that can perform a sexual intercourse to satisfaction. This is a very common problem especially among old men whose age is between 40 and 70 years. Erectile dysfunction can be characterized with total erection failure. In other cases, some people experience partial erection that cannot be sufficient to facilitate proper sexual activity. This condition is sometimes referred to as impotence 2. There are various factors that lead to the condition. Some of the factors include chronic illness, insufficient flow of blood to the penis, excessive drinking of alcohol, medications and fatigue.

There is a big relationship between erectile dysfunction and heart problems. This is because erection is a function of full dilation of the blood vessels in the penis 1. This is a physiological function that occurs after there is sexual excitement in a human being. The flow of blood to the penis after sexual excitement is controlled by body hormones. Therefore there is a big relationship between the erectile function of the penis and the heart 2, 3. This is because the heart is responsible for enhancing the flow of blood to the penis through its blood pumping functions.

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The penis is comprised of numerous spongy tissues that have numerous blood vessels. If something interferes with blood flow from the heart to the penis through the vessels erection cannot occur. One of the most common causes of erection is the presence of fatty deposits on the walls of the blood vessels in the penis 4. This may lead to high levels of resistance on the flow of blood into the penis. Therefore the poor flow of blood into the penis can hinder the erection capabilities of the penis and thus causing the erectile syndrome 1, 4.

High blood pressure is directly associated with heart diseases. This is because the genesis of high pressure in the blood vessels is the heart. Under such circumstances, the heart generates very high pressure and thus creating a lot of force on the flow of blood. Consequently, the high pressure is likely to affect the blood vessels in various ways 3. This can be through damaging the lining of the blood vessels. Destruction of the inner lining of the blood vessels is likely to lead to improper regulation of the flow of blood. Since the penis consists of numerous blood vessels that facilitate the erection process, this is likely to affect the process and thus leading to erectile dysfunctions.

The body reacts to various stimuli in different ways. This is through adjusting various physiological processes. When the body is sexually excited, the brain sends a signal to the heart facilitate sufficient floe of blood into the penis in order to enhance sexual activity. This implies that the heart is very influential towards the regulation of various body sensations and feelings. Therefore in times of erectile dysfunction, the failure can be attributed to lack of appropriate from the heart ton supply the required pressure through blood vessels to the penis 3, 4.

Therefore, the erection process is a function of various body process4. These processes range from emotional triggers to various physiological process. Erectile dysfunction can be attributed to malfunctioning of various body processes. However, the heart is a very instrumental organ towards influencing erection 2. This is because it controls the flow of blood to the penis through vessels. It also supplies blood with the most appropriate pressure enough to enhance an erection. Consequently, erectile dysfunction is closely associated with the failure of the heart and blood vessels.

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