
Process Evaluation

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Foster Family and Adoption (FFA) refer to a service offered by the Penny Lane Agency based in Commerce, Antelope Valley, North Hollywood, North Hills, and Palmdale. Penny Lane is a no-profit making organization tasked with the provision of supervision, care, and children’s wellbeing by addressing their specialized needs that calls for continuous services. The underlying goal of FFA program is to offer nurturance, continuity of care, and other important services to such children that not only satisfy their individual’s needs but also for their families.

This is attained as a result of the provision of professional services specifically designed to offer such children a level of care proportionate with their psychological development and needs. The foster parenting services are offered by an enlistment of highly trained foster parents in provision of continuous professional services, certified homes, and the provision of the ongoing professional services. It is worth noting that the services offered are specific to supervisor, individual care, and the proper developmental needs of the children.

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In addition to the above, another important goal for FFA is the attainment of legal permanency for children. For instance, where the Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) has determined that FR is not a viable option and that the case for the child entails attainment of legal permanency through guardianship or adoption, the agency is required to work towards the attainment of the required goals. This goal is making sure that the foster child is united with their family.

Despite the fact that foster parent is a temporary placement, research shows that foster parent’s experiences of loss and grief is inevitable. As a matter of fact, all parents are known to experience loss in their endeavor to support their children fully go through the developmental stages. It is against this backdrop that the primary investigator explores how to help foster parents cope with the grief following the loss of a foster child.

The significance of taking into consideration ethics in adoption cannot be refuted. Any person or an organization involved in foster parenting must be able and ready to embrace the required ethical principles in this area of practice. Child Welfare Information Gateway (2017) defines adoption as an emotional, social, and legal process by which children who is raised by their foster parents becomes not only full and permanent, but also legal members of another family. Therefore, the adoption of such encompasses the rights of the child, the birth parent, and the adoptive parent, all of which must be taken into consideration.

In adoption, it is important to note that ethical issues do change over time as one grows. For instance, as the adopted child grows, they may reach such a time that they claim their right to know their historical and genetic identity. In this respect, it is only prudent that professionals working in adoption centers like in this case Foster Family and Adoption (FFA) services offered by the Penny Lane Agency embrace the set ethical principles to guide such practice. Ethics defines what is deemed wrong or right and therefore, must be sufficiently embraced by those offering or tasked with providing child adoption services (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2017).

The ethics of informed consent must be properly addressed in foster parenting. According to Lovingstine (2015), ethics of informed consent is of prime significance while practicing foster parenting. He notes that informed consent enables a foster parent to play an active role in the treatment of children (mental health and medical treatments). Lovingstine posits that matters to do with informed consent and accessibility to information regarding treatment significantly influence relationships with the legal guardians, parents, the child, and the Child Protective Service. Therefore, the foster parent must ensure that he/ she adheres to all the set principles guiding foster parenting (Molin & Palmer, 2005). To secure an informed consent, the person or an organization adopting the child will have to clear with sign informed consent with the mother and child protective services to guarantee child safety and to ensure that the child is protected from any risk. The informed consent will describe the benefits and risks that on is likely to experience as a result of participating as a foster child.

Lovingstine (2015) posits that children subjected to foster parenting does experiences higher risk of trusting issues and mental complications justifying the need to have robust ethical principles to protect them against such malpractices. Despite the fact that certain care providers have shown the highest degree of professionalism in their job as far as foster parenting is concerned, others have shown completely opposite always looking down upon children in their respective care services.

Such people fail to embrace the principle of equality while treating and tend to demonstrate some degree of discrimination. The persons acting as foster parent should avoid getting involved in abuse, social injustices, sale of children and trafficking should be avoided because they infringe the set ethical practices and sometimes might lead to legal suits. Additionally, while working with multicultural families, it is prudent that one employs multicultural language.

Irrefutably, foster parenting can both be rewarding and sometimes challenging. The process may be rewarding because it plays an incredible role in promoting proper child development. On the other hand, one cannot refute some of the challenges that are likely to be experienced. Some of these challenges are linked to physical or emotional and substance abuse, masturbation, lying, and neglect, abandonment or sometimes attachment disorder (Millum, & Emanuel, 2007). Other factors include resource scarcity that also could hamper or interfere with the ability of foster parents to offer professional services. These factors must be properly addressed to make foster parenting feasible.

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