
Limits to Intelligence Gathering in Anti-Terrorism

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Many factors in the world today that pose a threat to the normalcy acquired in daily functions. Over the years, terrorism has proven to be among the biggest global peace threats. Terrorism is based on the generation of fear, whether realized or implied and cause of alarm (Jenkins, 2017). One incident that was attributed to terrorism was the Boston Marathon Bombing on 15th April 2013. This bombing resulted in the death of three people and injury of at least 264 others. The bombs were contained in backpacks and were said to be placed at the finish line of the marathon (CNN, 2018). The incident was associated with two brothers; one who died and one who was convicted of the crimes and sentenced to death.

The culprits of the crime were found as a result of the surveillance systems (camera footage) in place in the town. This is one of the major ways in which surveillance has been effective in regards to security. As a result of the acts of terrorism around the world, some affected countries have put in advanced surveillance systems as a method of combating the effects of terrorism.

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One of the best illustrations of these systems is the “ring of steel” first seen in London as a response to attacks by the Irish Republican Army (IRA). The system entailed the use of roadblocks and checkpoints, the development and increased use of Closed-Circuit television (CCTV) in networks that are both public and private, traffic restrictions, and increased police activity (Coaffe, 2008). The actions of the different systems in the “ring of steel” work together to reduce the occurrence of terrorism; for example, by complicating any terrorist plans in where they are located, hence, discouraging its implementation. The application of the “ring of steel” can deter future attempts of terrorism if properly executed. The effectiveness even on local crimes can be demonstrated by the reduced crime rate by 10% in London in 1991 (Coaffe, 2008). Another illustration is the IRA bombing that occurred during a reconstruction period that led to the extent of measures applied in the “ring of steel” to be reduced. The terrorists were not able to successfully operate when the ring was fully functional showing its application in anti-terrorism efforts.

The data obtained from the cameras, license plate readers, facial recognition technology among others used in the “ring of steel” is also effective in providing data that is used in generating information that is used to combat terrorism. The information obtained can be used to generate “watch lists” that work to identify active terrorists or those with potential and the required measures are put in place to maintain their inactivity in the area (Jenkins, 2017). There are many advantages related to the implementation of the “ring of steel.” The roadblocks that are implemented result in frustration and reduction in the occurrence of activity by terrorists (Coaffe, 2008). Crime rates have also reduced in the areas of implementation (Patel, 2012). Nonetheless, the system reduces the feeling of vulnerability by the community members, hence, giving them a feeling of security. It also diverts terrorists to targets that are less strategic hence limiting any resulting damage. Moreover, they make it easier to establish persons of interest that may threaten the safety of the people in the community (Jenkins, 2017).

Nevertheless, the system also comes with its disadvantages. First, where the surveillance and data obtained are dependent on individual training, there is a possibility of bias. This can result in negative labeling of a certain group of people, for example how people from the Middle East and those of Muslim faith are constantly associated with acts of terrorism (Patel, 2012). Besides, surveillance systems that are increasingly implemented to meet the standards of the “ring of steel” result in the access of personal information, of the people of the public, to a larger group of people (Jenkins, 2017). There is also displacement of terrorism geographically to areas that are not influenced by the “ring of steel” (Coaaffe, 2008). Additionally, where there is the use of roadblocks and checkpoints, there may be massive traffic slowing down the activities in the given area (Coaffe, 2008). Previous situations have shown that where a balance is not struck, it can result in a violation of the privacy of the individuals located within the area of operation of the “ring of steel.”

Practices such as those in London and New York have established surveillance is a necessary measure in security measures against terrorism. When the information acquired through surveillance efforts is mishandled, it can result in the violation of privacy of the individuals involved. The balance between the violation and usefulness of this information can mainly be regulated in data collection through efforts of protection of privacy and privacy of the information obtained (Clarke, 1999). One of the ways of ensuring that balance in privacy is attained is by ensuring that the use of methods such as physical surveillance is approved by the appropriate authorities to ascertain that it is necessary. The implementation of pseudonymous records is one of the most effective ways of striking a balance between the necessity of surveillance and the balance of privacy of the information obtained (Clarke, 1999). This method of data collection ensures that in normal circumstances, the information obtained cannot be associated with individuals. For it to be effective in data collection, it requires the authentication of both the person’s eligibility and identity without recording. The data obtained is only useful if certain circumstances are met. For example, transactions related to terrorism can only be linked to an individual or a group of people once the criteria of suspicion are met. The identities of the individuals will only be linked to terrorist activities and not other issues that are not related. If the pseudonymous technique is effectively implemented, it will ensure the privacy of all other individuals under surveillance who are not involved in suspicious activity.

Indeed, the implementation of the “ring of steel” has shown to be effective, where implemented, in combating terrorism. It works to ensure that it is difficult for terrorists to operate. However, the “ring of steel” heavily relies on surveillance as an effective method to counter terrorism, which introduces the issue of violation of privacy. Therefore, the judicial system works to provide and improve measures that ensure the privacy of the individuals under surveillance such as the implementation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States’ Constitution.

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