
Sex Education In Public Schools

649 words | 3 page(s)

In the modern society, sex among teenagers has become ubiquitous. Contemporary scholars have argued the need to promote awareness on teenage sex and ensure sex education is part of the curriculum in schools. Steve Siebold’s “It’s time to make sex education mandatory in our nation’s schools” first appeared in the Huffington post on September 04, 2013 and later updated on September 06, 2013. Siebold as the author of the article, is an author and expert in the field of mental toughness training and critical thinking. In the essay, Siebold’s aim is to convince the readers that sex education should be made mandatory in all the schools in the US to ensure that teens are well sensitized on matters related to sex. According to Siebold, “It’s time we revisit sexual education in America’s schools and make it a part of the curriculum in every middle school and high school.” He uses comparison, contrast, irony, and personal anecdotes techniques to skillfully create a strong, argumentative and convincing essay.

Siebold captures the attention of the reader by using logos to provide a statistically analyzed data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to demonstrate to the reader how birth rate has been high among the teens in America. The data is used to provide credibility of Siebold’s argument and capture the attention of the reader and provides the reader a brief information of what is expected in the essay. Siebold also states that contrary that America is the richest country in the world; people are forced to learn about sex in the streets. In the essay, Siebold uses diction when he emotionally points out that teenagers will always continue to engage in sex, it is a reality unless the government and the society develops a plan to integrate sex education in school curriculums.

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Siebold provides statistical data on the percentage of high school students who have already engaged in sex. The information provides the reader with evidence that teenage sex is high among students. In the essay provides shocking revelations that teenagers are exposed to sexual activities by magazines, watching porn, games and explicit movies. This is contrast to the way teenagers should be morally get exposed to sex related education. The modern American sex should be liberal and ensure that teenagers are educated about sex. Furthermore, Siebold argues it is ironical that sex is one of the most beautiful aspects of life but yet the society gives it little attention or it shies away from discussing it among the teenagers. Also, Siebold it is ironical that the United States, a country considering itself progressive, sex education is only taught in 22 states. The statement captures the attention of the reader and demonstrates that Siebold’s argument need consideration especially in the current generation.

After capturing the attention of the reader, Siebold continues to use personal anecdote when he explains how he sneaked into a drug store to buy condoms while he was in high school. As most Americans could about the experience, the topic about sex is not discussed or even taught in church as the church is shameful of discussing sexual desires among the children. According to Siebold, comprehensive sex education should be introduced in all public school. Despite political and religious giving speeches that condemn sex, they contrary engage in the same acts they are publicly condemning. The readers of Siebold’s essay could understand the need to promote sex education in our schools to make teenagers aware about their sexual life. The society should not believe that sex is a sin, but Siebold has provided several examples in the essay that demonstrate that it is better to discuss about sex publicly than trying to hide behind one of the most sensitive issues in the society.

  • Siebold, S. (September 09, 2013). It’s time to make sex education mandatory in our nation’s schools. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/

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