
Immigration Situation in the US

349 words | 2 page(s)

The immigration to the United States today is related to the more diverse countries of origins of the foreigners arriving in the country. On the governmental level, many immigration applicants are entitled to participate in the Green Card Program, allowing the nationals of diverse countries to come to the United States. On the internal levels, some nationals are more integrated into the programs offered by the United States while others remain marginalized groups (e.g., Hispanics).

The current situation of the immigration is frequently driven by the global issues (e.g., the Syrian crisis). The countries accepting the refugees are usually economically stable and appear to be ready to launch the resettlement programs. Germany serves a good example of handling the immigration throughout the history. First, the country invited the Turks to help rebuild its infrastructure. Through the successful integration programs in the country, the Turks became the second largest population living in Germany. Germany also proved how the immigration could best work for the economy of the country, as it is natural that the newcomers would most frequently accept the lower-paid jobs that the rest of the population is unwilling to take.

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For that reasons, the immigrants should be perceived from the economic benefit they can bring to the country. As the President, you should define which infrastructure areas are meeting certain gaps and invite the immigrants to join specific regions of the country to help restore the regions. Secondly, if immigration is approached from the perspective of sustainability, the United States will benefit from the international positioning, too. Usually, the countries that manage to work with the immigrants possess a better global image. Therefore, the United States should follow the example of Germany and prove its effectiveness in dealing with the immigration both internally and externally.

  • Bartsch, Matthias, and Daniel Steinvorth. “Turkish Immigration To Germany: A Sorry History Of Self-Deception And Wasted Opportunities – SPIEGEL ONLINE –
    International”. SPIEGEL ONLINE, 2010, http://www.spiegel.de/ Accessed 22 Mar 2018.
  • “The Facts On Immigration Today: 2017 Edition – Center For American Progress”. Center For American Progress, 2018, https://www.americanprogress.org/. Accessed 22 Mar 2018.

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