
Study Abroad Application

494 words | 2 page(s)

Traveling overseas has always been of interest to me. After studying Spanish the previous semester, I have decided that traveling to Japan for a semester abroad is a wonderful opportunity to apply my knowledge of what I’ve learned. The exposure to the European Spanish culture is the ideal situation since my class was about integration into Spanish culture to include speaking with proper etiquette. The immersion into the culture by traveling to Japan will allow for me to experience the real life version of my classroom learning experience. I decided to study Spanish because going abroad was always a goal. Given that I now have the chance to study abroad, Spain is the logical choice and is where my studies have enabled my communication skills to be most suitable to communicate with the local population. The university has provided all of the opportunities to learn about other cultures and to study specific cultures in more depth. Now is the chance to travel and study abroad which also provides the atmosphere to converse with local populations and learn more about the general population outside of the university is a tremendous opportunity as well.

The university has a study abroad program with the University of Barcelona. I feel going to Barcelona is ideal because my choice has always been Barcelona should I be able to travel to Spain. Barcelona is the most populous city and provides the most eclectic Spanish experience in Spain. I understand the other areas of Spain to be more decidedly classically oriented Spanish culture and classic in behavior. Because my goal has always been to travel to Spain, my education has broadened my knowledge of Spain to expand on my goal to include the more classical areas of Spain that are representative of the history of the culture throughout the development cultural Spain. Speaking to the Spanish populations at the University, in the city of Barcelona, and within the outside areas, my goal is to incorporate a broader aspect of Spanish travel to learn more about the language use and the cultural differences and similarities between the Spanish populations. I find the study of language and culture to be very fascinating and the Spanish to be a distinctively unique culture that I would love to learn more about.

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The travel to Spain will also enable my retention of what I’ve learned about Spain regarding the language and the culture. Also, the travel will also reinforce some of what I’ve learned or perhaps seek to contradict some of what I’ve learned. I will never know unless I travel to see for myself. Additionally, the opportunity to travel before I am married and saddled with other responsibilities such as a career and family is the most ideal time. I hope my study abroad application is approved so that I may experience my goal of learning the nuances of and about Spanish language and culture.

Thank you for your time.


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