
College Education

370 words | 2 page(s)

A lot of people attend college with the intention of getting degrees so they can get good jobs and make money or acquire power. A lot of my classmates in high school talked about just getting in and getting out of college as fast as they can in order to start their real lives. A lot of my classmates also talked about how much partying and how much fun they planned to have when they get to college and out from under their parents’ authority and rules. It seemed like my classmates intended to go to college for selfish reasons or self-serving reasons which considered their futures…but no one else’s. This seemed wrong to me.

I’ve heard that going to college is supposed to produce well-rounded people. Liberal arts colleges have in the past focused on offering students many options and opportunities which helped students have many different kinds of experiences. I believe that the more a person learns and experiences, the more of an obligation they have to use what they’ve learned and acquired to improve not only themselves but also the world around them. I believe that college will help me become a better person by exposing me to many kinds of topics I’ve never encountered before as well as new perspectives on familiar topics. As I learn new things, expand my horizons, and refine my understanding of the world, this will help me better understand the people around me. I believe this will also help me be more grateful for the things I have and the opportunities college can offer me. Gratitude, I believe, makes one more apt to help others – to share the goodness in one’s life with others, especially others who might not have much goodness in their lives. College will also provide me with the tools, skills, and resources I need to help others, either by making me aware of those elements or by allowing me to obtain a job which puts me in a position to access, employ, or create those resources that will help me help others. In these ways I have described, college will help me to be a better person and to help others.

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