
Developmental Psychology Term Paper

597 words | 2 page(s)

This is a branch of science that deals with the study of human development throughout life. Developmental psychology deals with the progressive advancement of human beings when knowledge keeps accumulating. This explains the concepts underlying of children and adult in their lifespan. Some of the processes that are covered under this includes the study of cognitive, social, biological and emotional processes. This study concentrates on the tremendous changes exhibited by development.

The nature versus nurture debates regarding psychology are very prevalent. In developmental psychology, nature is concerned to the extent to which certain aspects of a certain behavior are acquired through a natural processes, genetics. Nurture explains that most characteristics in that develop in the human psychology are learned. The learning processes is highly influenced by environmental factors that dictate the behaviors and characteristics. There are various human attributes that exhibit characteristics that are confusing in the sense that, it is not easy to determine their origin. This is in relation to a reference to genetic inheritance or physical influence.

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Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Research
Cross-sectional research is a method that is very common in developmental psychology research. It is also very common in other areas of social studies. The people who are involved in the study are of different types with variance in the attribute of interest. These people may share several other attributes. The advantage of this method is that it takes place at a single point and thus convenient. The major challenge is that is very difficult to get a population with the same people who differ in one aspect.

Longitudinal is a method used in discovering unrelated variables to numerous background variables. This is done while investigating the same population for long periods. These researches can take so long. The main advantage is that the researchers are able to look at changes over long periods of time. However, this may require a lot of time and money.

Prenatal Development
Prenatal development occurs in threes vital stages that include the germinal stage, embryonic stage and fetal period. The germinal stage begins at conception and continues for two weeks. The major processes that occur include fertilization and implantation. During this phase, there is massive cell division that leads to the development of the blastocyst. In the embryonic phase, the mass of cells that have been formed become a distinct human being. The embryo divides into three sections that are layers that eventually become crucial parts of the body. At the end of this phase, major body organs are formed and significant physical growth can be recognized at this stage. In the fetal stage, the body develops sophisticated parts like the spinal cord and head. There is massive addition of body size and weight.

Changes in Brain Development in the Early Childhood Years
In the early years of development, children encounter rapid development in growth. These development causes massive changes in the structure and functioning of the brain. During the early and middle childhood stages, a child is able to form complex networks of connections in the brain that enhance coordination. These processes are motivated by both biological and physical progressions. The physical size of the brain also increases significantly. During this time, a child is able to develop various complex attributes of human nature. There is massive motor development in a child. During this period, the brain is also bale to develop major perceptual aspects. These are in charge of integrating sensory information and develop complex representations in the environment. There is also strategic formation of patterns that enhance coordination of various functions in the body.

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