
A One Nation World

606 words | 3 page(s)

Throughout the body of human history up until contemporary times one of the main stumbling blocks for the human species has been the inherent conflict between nations. This ranges from the obvious examples of armed conflict such as the First and Second World Wars to the conflict between nations concerning the economy which happens on a day to day basis. The following paper argues that one of the most effective ways to combat conflict between the nations is to create a one nation world. Not only would this be effective in eradicating armed conflict, but would also change the nature of the relationship between countries from one of conflict, to one of cooperation.

There are three main areas which will be maintained to support the idea of a one nation world, namely; conflict, economic and the free movement of people. The first benefit to creating a one nation state would be the equal distribution of wealth to all countries. This would essentially remove the competition element in international trade and instead operate to maximize the standard of living for all citizens of the one nation state. In terms of the military, a one nation state would only require a minimum security force that could maintain order within the different geographic territories. Indeed, in Immanuel Kant famous work Perpetual Peace, the author argues for an abolishment of countries having standing armies. Similarly this would be a natural component to a one state system as the military as we know it today would become superfluous (Kant). Finally in relation to immigration, by creating an open border system while at the same time enacting a singular policy and budgetary spending scheme, the desire to immigrate to affluent countries would dissipate.

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There would no longer be any appeal for individuals to travel to other countries in order to secure a better standard of living as there would be a uniformed approach in the one state. This economic model would have to be close to Marx conception of an equal distribution of wealth in order to avoid corruption and an unequal balance of power between different geographic locations in the one state (Marx). At the same time such a system would inevitably help foster both peace and an equitable standard of living for all citizens; the focus being shifted from a competition between countries towards cooperation and a striving to increase the standard of living for all citizens of the one state. Indeed, it is questionable whether currency as we know it would be appropriate for the new one state; a single currency would be needed, however this should only represent the level of work a citizen has performed in relation to the state.

In conclusion, while there are many opponents to the idea of a one nation world there are already signs that such a project is underway. Take for example the creation of the European Union which not only operates as a trading block but also has legislative powers that are bound to its member states. Furthermore, large economic trading groups such as the South Asian free trade area demonstrate that steps are being taken (albeit economic steps) to create a open and borderless market. Perhaps the clearest example of the projection of the one nation world was the creation of the United Nations; indeed as Article 1 section 2 states: “To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace” (UN). In the development of a one nation world, universal peace is clearly a step in which to achieve this goal.

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