
“Guys and Dolls” Summmary

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“Guys and Dolls” opened Friday November 8th, 2013 at 7:30pm at the Playhouse Theater. Packed with one unforgettable song after another, the play never failed to disappoint, with the crowd enthusiastically singing along to such songs as “A Bushel and a Peck,” “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat,” “Luck Be a Lady,” and “The Oldest Established,” there was plenty of entertainment and toe tapping for all.

Split into two acts, act one depicts the never ending hustle and bustle of Runyonland, better known as New York City. Small time gamblers argue about which horse will win the big race, and a big craps game is in the works. Sky and Sarah and Nathan and Miss Adelaide gallivant about the stage, truly making the audience believe that they are right there in the 1940s. Alas, as always, Sarah rejects Sky, believing that his pretenses were false, and as with many relationships, missed opportunity and circumstance come to foil the otherwise grand plans of those therein.

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Act two, on the other hand, sees our gamblers still up to their old tricks, and Adelaide and Sarah come to the happy conclusion that boys will be boys and men will be men, and that they should not fault their men for doing the things that men do. They realize they are happy within their relationships, and both vow to marry their men regardless of their faults. The audience is swept away in the marriage of the two couples, and a night of laughter, singing, and merriment is had by all, audience members and players alike.

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