
A Co-education System

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“Education is a power but co-education is a super power.” Therefore, gender-specific schools have no place in modern society because society has realized there are no intellectual differences between men and women. Historically, the general idea had been that women’s place is at home while only men have the right to a paid job outside home. Now, we live in times where women have proven themselves in almost every career that has been historically dominated by men, thus, it is unfair to discriminate against women in an academic setting. There may be certain shortcomings of a co-education system but its benefits are much greater such as more learning opportunities for girls, greater motivation for both genders to work together, and more productive friendships between girls and boys.

In this modern age, communication is an essential skill for success in both personal and professional aspects of life. Both men and women work together at workplaces and playing major roles in the age of globalization. By studying in a co-education system, girls have the opportunities to talk to members of opposite gender and develop communication skills. Thus, girls’ parents should not enroll their daughters in gender-specific schools because this will not prepare their daughters for the future when they will have to interact with men all the time. Students who always study in a co-educational system are more confident and successful in their chosen fields (Farley).

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Gender-specific schools harm thinking skills and also prevent exchange of ideas among members of opposite gender. In worst circumstances, this may adversely affect the children growth and development. Both girls and boys have different strengths and interests. In co-educational schools, students hear different perspectives not only from members of their gender but also from those who belong to the opposite gender. Each gender has positive and negative personality traits. At times, a weakness of one gender may be strength for the other gender. For example, boys are often careless while girls are often caring and sensitive and this is also true in school setting, “Recently, various studies have demonstrated that boys are less motivated than girls and hold less positive attitudes towards school than girls.” (Van Houte). They help each other deal with their respective weaknesses while working as team members. This type of education does not only promote communication between the two genders but also positively affects society’s progress (Farley).

People argue gender-specific schools will reduce the possibility of young people falling early in love. However, such people ignore it is already easy for members of opposite gender to communicate with each other due to advanced technologies such as mobile phones and the internet. Girls and boys studying in different schools may have poor social skills and understanding of the opposite gender which means they may also fail to respect each other’s rights. A co-educational system promotes respect for the opposite sex. They grow up and mature together when they study together (Medha).

Gender-specific schools should not exist because there is no intellectual difference between girls and boys. Co-educational schools promote a sense of equality for both genders and promote diversity. Such schools prepare both genders for future whether personal or professional life. There may have been some advantage of keeping separate schools but times have changed.If a country wishes to be successful, it should stop gender discrimination. It should prepare its people for the future in which men and women would often be working side by side to create a better world.

  • Farley, Audrey. “Advantages & Disadvantages of Co-Education Schools.” ehow.com. Demand Media, 2012. Web. 28 Oct 2014.
  • Medha, Joshi. ” Co-Education in Schools.” ezinearticles.com. SparkNET, 2012. Web. 28 Oct 2014.
  • Houtte, M. V. “Gender context of the school and study culture, or how the presence of girls       affects the achievement of boys.” Educational Studies, 30 (4). December 2004.

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