
A Long Walk to Water: Book Review

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A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park tells the story of Salva Dut. Salva Dut is a Sudanese Lost Boy. This means that when he was a child he lost his family and became a refugee because of the Second Sudanese Civil War. The novel tells his story as he tries to find his family, and also tries to survive the hardships of war, such as starvation, and violence. Salva saves himself, but more importantly he saves the lives of 1500 other boys. In the story Salva leads the other boys to a refugee camp so that they can survive the war like him. Later, Salva becomes a refugee in America. He is adopted by a family in New York who help him, and he does very well.

Salva goes to college and becomes a successful man. Finally he returns to the Sudan, finds his father, and starts a company to build wells to help the poor people in his country. However, as well as telling Salva’s story, this novel also tells the story of Nya. Nya is one of the poor people who live in the Sudan. She is eleven years old, and walks 8 hours to bring water to her family every day. She meets Salva when he is helping to build a well in her village. The story is very inspirational because it shows how Salva helps others and not just himself, and shows how the people he helps will go on to help other people as well.

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One of my favourite things about this book was that it was a true story. The hardships and challenges that Salva and Nya faced were real. Many children faced these hardships in real life. Also, many children continue to face these hardships today. The most inspirational stories are true stories because they show you that miracles can happen in real life. They show you that real people can achieve wonderful things. That is one of the things I liked most about this book. My other favourite thing about this book is where it is written from the view point of a child. Because Salva is only a child when bad things happen to him, he does not judge or analyse. The story shows us his simple thoughts and the wisdom of a child and of innocence. That made me feel even more inspired, and that is why that is one of my favourite things.

I have learned from this book that bad things can happen to good and ordinary people. Even though Salva had not done anything wrong, it did not mean he was safe from bad things happening to him. This was a sad message to learn. It meant that everyone needs to be strong and not depend on others, because you never know when something bad will happen to you. However, I also learned that great and good things can be achieved by ordinary people. Salva did not have special education, or wealth, or any other special benefits, but he was still strong and able to help the people who needed him. Also, his actions were not grand or difficult. He did small things to help others when he could, and that was very inspirational. Just from one ordinary person helping another ordinary person, the world could be a better place. This was something the book taught me.

Overall The Long Walk to Water was a very interesting and educational book. After reading it I would like to know more about the other children who were refugees. I am also more aware of how my actions can help those around me in small ways. I am sure I would recommend this book to other people to read.

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