
Admission Letter for Medicine

584 words | 2 page(s)

Subject: Application for Admission/Motivation

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I wish to apply to the Doctor of Medicine Program, School of xxxxxxxx, University of xxxxxx for the xxxxxx academic year.

My reasons for wanting to study medicine include a strong interest in biomedical science, and my strong desire to help people achieve and maintain good health. I have an enduring interest in learning about the human body, its constituent organs and how they function at cellular levels. I have always been interested in biology even as a child, I loved reading information about the human body from encyclopedias. I am enrolled in an IB (International Baccalaureate) program, and currently taking chemistry and biology – subjects that I enjoy immensely.

The field of medicine with its focus on the art of healing through diagnosis, treatment, and disease prevention represents one of the foremost fields of service for humanity. I would love to be able to participate in this service. I love children, and my goal is to be a pediatrician. It would be very fulfilling and rewarding to be able to care for the newborn, and help assure their health and safety as they navigate childhood growth and development. Serving as a pediatrician will enable me to be engaged in my two interests – taking care of children’s health and learning more about the human body. At the same time, such learning will be cycled back into improved medical care for children.

My reasons for applying to study at this institution include its’ reputation for excellence in providing medical education, highly professional faculty, and the world class facilities that are available for clinical training. I would consider it a wonderful privilege to be able to study at this institution. The diverse student community will also contribute to enriching me educational experience. I also hope to contribute to the academic community through sharing my culture and perspectives with my colleagues.

Hungary is a fascinating country to study in because it has a rich and stirring history from which one can learn so much, as well as understand modern dynamics. As a result of globalization, it is important for people to understand the forces that have shaped human history as an important complement to every career. Hungary also has a beautiful topography and rich culture that I would like to see and experience.
I am from the Philippines but live in Norway. I have strong multicultural skills as a result of my exposure to different cultures. I believe that this will help me adjust to life in Hungary and achieve a productive experience.

I know that medical programs require high investments, are very competitive and attract a caliber of students that are highly motivated and committed to achieving excellence in their educational pursuits. I know also know that studying medicine is challenging; it takes time and hard work to pass through the program. However, I love challenges. I am a risk taker, independent, and I take my studies seriously. I am willing to apply myself to my studies and work hard to achieve my career goal.

An opportunity to study at the University of xxxxxxx will enable me acquire the skills, credentials and knowledge that I need in order to become engaged in a career as a medical professional. I hope to be able to network with other medical professionals on graduation for knowledge sharing and so contribute further to the health of society in general.

I hope my application will be favorably considered. Thank you.



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