
Advantages of Using Scientific Calculators

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Scientific calculators were introduced in classrooms as well as learning establishments about forty years ago all over the world. The introduction of scientific calculators in classrooms was among the interesting scientific inventions scientists have achieved since it has led to mathematical and scientific concepts to a great extent. The first calculator which was introduced w had limited and straightforward functionality and could only do simple arithmetic. But since then other scientific discoveries have been on the move in inventing a calculator which has the high feature as well as a calculator which has a high calculation speed. The recent scientific calculators have more advantageous effects in classrooms as well as to the teachers as compared to the demerits they have in the classes. Scientific calculators have facilitated teaching in classrooms to a great extent. This essay will consider more on the positive effects of scientific calculators use in courses by the students and also their advantage to the teachers in their teaching career more so in mathematical studies and even in science-based subjects (Demana, 2000).

Firstly, scientific calculators provide an accurate, quick and also easy alternative. Before the introduction of scientific calculators in classrooms, most of the mathematical classes involved a more pen and pencil arithmetic, a lot of memorization as well as a lot of algebraic equations which very few students could comprehend. Additionally, before the introduction of the scientific calculators, mathematical classes involved a lot of mathematical formulas which were used over and over again hence making the study more tedious therefore very few students could comprehend with all this (Kastberg & Leatham, 2005). Traditionally, a student who was able to carry out this mathematical calculation without the use of a calculator was viewed as mathematically inclined while those who could not memorize mathematical formulas and carry out correct calculations were considered as ill-suited to the subject hence regarded as illiterate. This students who understood mathematics had more chances of job opportunities while those who could not carry out calculations were less disadvantaged consequently denied most of the job opportunities available. By the invention of scientific calculators, more students have gained a positive belief in mathematics as they can comprehend what is taught hence changing the opinions of many that mathematics is only meant for geniuses.

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Additionally, before the invention of scientific calculators, students all over the world spent most of their time and effort only learning various rules and also the most straightforward procedures used in calculations derivatives. Due to spending too much learning calculative derivatives, there was little or no time and effort left at the end of the lessons to learn in greater detail the meaning of the derivatives studied at all such as in calculus lessons. In contrast, the introduction of scientific calculators has saved the time and efforts of many students hence they have more time left to learn more on the mathematical derivatives which they learn in class and also in applying them in the real-life situation. Moreover, by saving the effort of the students, boredom which exists in mathematical courses has ended hence making mathematical sessions more enjoyable to the students.

Furthermore, in research which was carried out in the University of Pennsylvania by Kathleen Heid in the year, 1988 revealed that despite the use of scientific calculators has led to achieving a more detailed knowledge of the mathematical theories behind accurate results. The study involved two students who used scientific calculators versus those who did not use the scientific calculators in calculus lessons. The university concluded their research by examining their mathematical theory understanding of calculus between two students. Those who used scientific calculators in their calculus classes had a higher knowledge on the knowledge of the theory behind the results as compared to the understanding of those who did not use scientific calculators. This is a clear indication that scientific calculators have sharpened the brain of students by installing more scientific expertise in them hence they can handle more and more scientific methods of solving numerical techniques in a much more straightforward and accurate manner. The traditional way of solving mathematical methods problems in most instances turned off the minds of many students, but in contrast, scientific calculators have acted as an equalizer. Many students have now the ability to get deeper into the subject where they can freely develop and air out their reasoning behind mathematical cases.

Moreover, according to the research which was carried out in 1986 by Ray Hembree revealed that the use of scientific calculators has not only resulted in an accuracy of mathematical cases but has also resulted in better mathematics results as compared to results obtained before the introduction of scientific calculators. Additionally, Ray Hembree added that scientific calculators had facilitated the students with a better ability to solve mathematics problems using mathematical concepts they learn in class as well as in when they study in books. Interestingly, the research revealed that scientific calculators had improved the attitude many students all over the world have towards mathematics. It is clear that initially before the introduction of scientific calculators, the most significant percentage of students have a poor attitude towards mathematics hence performing very poorly in their tests. But since the invention of the scientific calculators, the poor attitudes towards mathematics have ended as well as more students are excited while carrying out calculations using scientific calculators hence responding positively to mathematical problems and as a result, they perform to best in class tests. Additionally, Ray Hembree revealed that the use of scientific calculators had increased the achievement of many students in mathematical courses (Simonsen & Dick, 1997).

Furthermore, scientific calculators have been used by many people outside classrooms in their fields of work. Contractors, engineers, physicists and also architects have overwhelming used scientific calculators and have revealed a positive result of its use in that scientific calculator’s easies their calculation cases and also they obtain accurate answers in their calculations. It is clear that industrial misplacement of decimal points, for example, results in disastrous results hence use of scientific calculators have enabled accurately solving of mechanical calculations, therefore, avoiding disastrous results which are obtained due to wrong predictions (Och & Indoshi, 2011).

According to what is discussed above, it is clear that scientific calculators have positive effects on students in classrooms as well as other science-based studies. The myths that lie behind the use of scientific calculators of installing laziness to students is not right and have to supportive argument on it. Scientific calculators only do what the student can do hence does not provide answers automatically in an exam setting thus a student must know about solving mathematical problems. Most students are now able to handle complex mathematical calculations using scientific calculators which before was not possible.

Additionally, scientific calculators have been used in other scientific fields by engineers in their engineering works hence easing their calculation works to a great extent. Use of scientific calculators has also led to the development of more technological discoveries which would not be possible without scientific calculators. Moreover, there is a need for the introduction of more and more scientific calculators which can handle a significant proportion of mathematical cases. However, there is a need for teachers while teaching to educate their students on where to use scientific calculators and where not to use them to reduce instances of complete dependency on scientific calculators.

  • Demana, F. (2000). Calculators in mathematics teaching and learning. Learning mathematics for a new century, 51.
  • Kastberg, S., & Leatham, K. (2005). Research on graphing calculators at the secondary level: Implications for mathematics teacher education. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 5(1), 25-37.
  • Och, J. P., & Indoshi, F. C. (2011). Challenges and benefits of using scientific calculators in the teaching and learning of Mathematics in secondary school education. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 3(3), 102-111.
  • Simonsen, L. M., & Dick, T. P. (1997). Teachers’ perceptions of the impact of graphing calculators in the mathematics classroom. Journal of computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 16(2), 239-368.

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