
Agriculture Classes In School

811 words | 3 page(s)

The role played agriculture in the development, especially in countries endowed with natural resources is crucial. Agriculture entails the growing of crops and keeping animals. In fact, it has recognized as the backbone of the economy in many states. Almost all countries in the world depend on agriculture for their livelihood. More Agriculture classes in schools imply many people will acquire more knowledge regarding the crop and animal production. Thus, it is critical for the school management to increase the number of agriculture classes. This paper explains why agriculture classes should be increased in schools, giving its benefits in the economy of countries.

Everyone is entitled to good health, which can only be achieved through consumption of a balanced diet. A balanced diet is essential to the provision of energy that is required to do other activities. The growing populations in the world need adequate food supply, which cannot be obtained using primitive farming methods. This can only be attained if people will be enlightened about the best practices that are used for increased crop production and animal rearing. These practices can only be understood through the adequate study of agriculture. This necessitates the need to improve agriculture classes in schools.

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One of the reasons people go to school is to get the knowledge that will enable them venture into various careers. It is recognized as one of the largest employers in the economy. It comprises of 70-75% of the labor force. Careers, such as farming, agricultural scientist or horticultural management, mechanics, Veterinary, among others are taught during agriculture classes. Agriculture professional cannot be marketable if they have inadequate knowledge regarding their areas of specialization. In this view, there is a need to have more agriculture classes in schools to enable learners to get competitive jobs.

The fact that there is unpredictable climatic change in the world is not a theory. This necessitates more agriculture education to allow people to produce enough people for the rapidly increasing populations. It is not surprising to get a school with a few students. This is the case because many teachers demoralize learners while teaching the subjects. Additionally, its significance is undermined by the fact that there are a few classes in a week compared with other subjects. Given the essentiality of the subject, it is recommended to increase the classes, and if possible double them in order to change learners’ attitudes.

A country that aims at getting foreign exchange should encourage agriculture teaching in schools. It is notable that Agriculture is the primary source of foreign exchange earnings to the developing and developed countries of the world. This is evident in many agriculture exports that bring huge earning to the countries’ economy. To produce surplus agricultural products, adequate knowledge in agriculture is required. For example, agricultural exports are expected to be of high-quality. Learning about crop and animal pest control is important. Adequate knowledge can only be attained if there are enough agriculture classes in schools.

Despite the vast benefits associated with agriculture, its image and believe that it is non-academic subject makes many students hate it. For instance, it is viewed as a subject for preparing learners for farm work and not employment. These perceptions move many countries backward with regard to economic growth. If many Agricultural classes would be allocated, students will change their attitudes about it and concentrate on gaining more knowledge about it. As a result, global industrial development will be boosted. Arguably, agriculture provides raw materials for manufacturing industries for the production of manufactured goods. In this context, I support that more agriculture classes are critical to change the students’ attitudes and make them productive in the agricultural sector.

The study of agriculture enhances the creation of interest and awareness in the agriculture industry as well as opportunities that exist in the related field. This objective is vital in helping the countries to realize their goals of and hunger eradication. School agriculture education is perceived as an essential feature in broadening farmers’ capacities, making them more efficient, independent, and capable of solving farming problems. This emphasizes the need for more agriculture classes in the institutions. Notably, other subjects, such as chemistry and mathematics have been allocated more classes as compared with agriculture, yet their importance does not outweigh agriculture. In fact, agriculture should be assigned twice their classes for its important roles.

Thus, reasons for increasing agriculture classes and its benefits are enormous, and the school management should focus on reviewing their timetables to have more classes. Many career entries, being a backbone of the economy, growth of global industry, increased food and crop production, the creation of interest and awareness, earning countries’ foreign exchange are some of the benefits of agriculture education. To acquire all the advantages, enough knowledge should be disseminated concerning agriculture. This can only be the case if more agriculture classes are introduced in schools.

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