
Air Pollution Effects

391 words | 2 page(s)

Air pollution is a complex process that involves a lot of different pollutants which interact with each other and the environment. In other words, they enter into complex reactions due to temperature, humidity and other environmental conditions. Depending on the mechanism of formation air pollutants can be divided into two groups: primary – substances produced by human activity; secondary – substances produced through the interaction of primary pollutants with environmental conditions (Yadav, 2009).

Depending on the origin of pollution, it may be classified into three types: physical pollution includes solid particles, radioactive isotopes, heat emission; chemical pollution comprises gases and aerosols such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons; biological pollution are caused by bacteria and virus spores, fungi, and the waste products of living organisms (Yadav, 2009). According to the scale of environmental pollution it can be divided into local (photochemical smog), regional (acid rain) and global (greenhouse gases) (Santos, 2012).

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Smog, acid rain, greenhouse effect and ozone depletion are the main effects of pollution on environment. Moreover, each of these effects triggers serious implications for health and wellbeing of humanity. Smog is caused through chemical reactions between different pollutants. Industrial centers and other cities suffer from smog, especially during summer. Acid rain poisons the soil and changes the chemistry of water in lakes and streams, kills plants and harms animals, fish and other wildlife. Greenhouse effect causes significant changes in weather conditions all over the world. Ozone depletion allows radiation to reach the Earth. Short-term effects of air pollution on human health are eyes, nose and throat irritation, pneumonia and bronchitis, headache, allergic reactions. Lung cancer, heart disease, chronic respiratory disease and damage of liver, kidneys, brain and nerves are long-term effects of air pollution (Santos, 2012).

Lots of measures can be taken to reduce the air pollution and its effects. One of the most effective ways of air pollution prevention is the usage of alternative energy sources such as solar, wind and hydroelectric energy. Recycling is also considered to be an effective way as it saves energy and minimizes the pollutants which may release during manufacturing process. Committing by public transport or bicycle instead of using personal vehicle significantly reduces the level of air pollution.

  • Santos, F. (2012). Humans on earth: from origins to possible futures. New York: Springer.
  • Yadav, P. R. (2009). Environmental air pollution. Delhi: Discovery Publishing House PVT. LTD.

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