
American Association of Retiree

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American Association of Retirees is a nonprofit making and nonpartisan body. The main objective of the body is to address the needs and interest of both the middle and the old age people in the US. Its membership includes people aging 50 years or older. The membership status is open to both working retired persons. The individuals should be able to meet the set subscription and requirements. The basic founding principles of this body were to help old Americans remain both physically and intellectually active by servicing others. However, the success and effectiveness of this body attracted many people in the US including the middle age and working personnel.

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This has seen the Association grow to cover or offer good services to its members. Founded by a retired teacher Andrus in 1958, the Association has maintained its motivating factor which is helping the retired people in the US maintain access to various essential services thus keeping the active (Berkman, 2006). As much the foundation of the Association formation lies on retirees, it is clear that the enjoyment or access of the association’s services depends prior contributions. This implies that interest individuals must subscribe or join the Association before the retirement age so as to develop a good link with body for prolonged future benefits. It is necessary to note the fact that this legally recognized body.

Benefits of American Association of Retiree
As a nonprofit making body acting as a legislative advocate for the elderly and the middle age with the US, this body has numerous benefits towards the achievement of the well-being of its members. The core benefits of this body to the members include medical services. Bearing in mind the fact that retirees in the United States are subject to reduced sources of income. The body finds necessary to offer discounts to its members when they need various medical services. The objective aims at reducing the level of expenses incurred by the elderly at retirement. These discounts are not only available to the elderly but also the middle age members of the Association. Some of the discounted medical services offered by the Association to its members include dental care, vision, hearing, testing and prescription medical services.

The Association is aware of the high bills paid by its members to access essential medical services; need to help its members save in terms of medical expenditures is the main reason for the accurately designed discounts. The outcome of these discounted medical and other social services by the association has resulted into increased membership and the emergence of more affordable and quality services to the members. In addition to this, the existence and progress of this association has promoted the emergence of other association thus leading to improved lives in the US.

Achievements of the Association
American Association of Retiree has been a greater achiever towards the social life improvement of retirees and other working members. One of the greatest achievements of the Association is the creation of prolonged and discounted service enjoyment to its members. This achievement has reflected on the entire market. Most medical and other social services offering bodies have realized the competitiveness thus coming up with affordable services. Apart from this, it is essential to acknowledge the wide or large membership base attained by the association. Moving and elderly membership of retirees to the inclusion of the middle age and other working personnel is a high achievement and indication growth with the association.

Indicators and Outcomes
Several pointers can be used to evaluate the success and failures of the American Association of Retiree. It is imperative to measure and find out the impacts this association has had on its members. Through evaluation, strategies can be formulated to improve services and other predetermined objectives of the association.

Engaging the members is an important aspect in the evaluation process. The members are the core stakeholders without whom the association would have no basis or subjects of providing its services. The outcomes to measure along the way would include determination of how satisfactory are the services offered by the association to the members. Since the association’s objective is improving the welfare of its members, they are entitled and bound by the same objective.

The efficiency and effectiveness of the association’s services can also be measured to outline their impact on the members. The services should be prompt and efficient to ensure that members get value for their savings. Several analysis tools like SWOT, use of questionnaires and interviews can be employed to determine the achievements, setbacks and failures of the association.

Using the above mentioned analysis tools would help improve the services offered by the association. Analysis is also an important tool in ensuring that the association has the members’ interest at heart and services offered are beyond reproach. Measuring the outcomes can help the association determine if there is the need to expand its services.

Association’s objective is to bring members together with a common view. American Association of Retiree has played a bigger role in improving after employment status of most American citizens. This is an indication of an association build around pure standards of providing the best to its members.

  • Association of Retired Americans (2013). ARA Benefits, Retrieved on 15th November 2013 from http://www.ara-usa.org/
  • Berkman, B. (2006). Handbook of Social Work in Health and Aging. New York: Oxford University Press.

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