
Analysis Of Barbarianism In European History

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Barbarism refers to the period of European expansion which took place in the 15-18 centuries and associated with the Age of Discovery and Colonization of the New World. Walter Benjamin considers that there is a connection between barbarism and the occurrence of a new civilization. He states that ‘There is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism’. I share the author`s viewpoint since prospering countries invaded the weaker states to combat barbarism and bring civilization.

New Spain was one of the Spanish colonies in the New World, established after the conquest of the Aztec Empire. Inhabiting new lands, the colonizers believed to bring civilization and conquer barbarism. Although it raised some ethical dilemmas, they seized control of a large area, including Mexico and Central America. Colonization resulted in the replacement of various cultures with the European civilization. Since the societies were reluctant to adopt necessary changes, colonizers took very severe measures to ensure their obedience.

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One of the Spanish historians and friars Bartolom? de Las Casas recorded his treatment of colonization and called it ‘The True History of the Conquest of New Spain.’ In this document, he recounted the key event in the conquest ‘ the arrival of Spaniards to Tenochtitl?n, the capital of the Aztec Empire on November 8 in 1519. To the conquerors` surprise, the Aztec leader Moctezuma greeted them with great hospitality, thus disproving the assumption about Aztecs` barbarism. Cortes`s behavior was a blend of disdain and wonder that he showed after being greeted. Moctezuma came in person to express his respect towards Cortes. He offered him his hand, but Cortes preferred to reply through Do?a Marina.

Regardless of Moctezuma`s hospitality and generosity, the Spaniards began explaining the significance of Christianity. They tried to obtrude that their Lord God was the only real God on the earth, meaning that Aztecs had to abandon their religion. The colonizers ensured that those people who did not believe in their Lord would get to Hell. Montezuma was interrupted whenever he was trying to object. After a long monolog, he replied that they had had their gods for ages, but they expected the colonizers to come.

The dialogue made the reader understand that collaboration between Aztecs and Spanish colonizers would ensure the prosperity of the Empire. However, multiple disagreements led to war and fall of the Aztecs. While Moctezuma was aimed at satisfying the newcomers, Cortes was more interested in the abundance of precious metals found there. Their tyrannical approach towards colonization destroyed the whole Aztec civilization. It proves Walter Benjamin`s theory according to which the document of civilization is at the same time the document of barbarism.

One more evidence of European barbarism is associated with the colonization of America. Bartolom? de Las Casas stated that American indigenous people suffered heavily under the colonization. Many of them died because of numerous diseases and wars. Others were used as forced labor. Such treatment raised several ethical dilemmas and increased the number of opponents of colonization. More and more people became interested in the cultures and traditions of colonized people. The observations showed that these people were not barbarians. Some of them had kings, kingdoms, cities, and communities. Their government appeared to be natural and legitimate. The justice system was also evident as people lived by laws and regulations. Indians from southern and western shores were involved in the commerce, selling, lending, and buying. Since Indians could develop their society long before Spanish colonization began, proved that European civilization had a wild nature, and its expansion implied barbarism.

Spain was not the only example of a culture that, although being barbarian itself, strived to conquer barbarism of others. The First Crusade, which took place in 1096, was initiated by the Pope Urban II and was intended to free the Holy Land and Jerusalem from Seljuk Turks and Islam. In his speech, Urban II proclaimed that Islam was conquering more and more Christian cities. Being convinced that Seljuk Turks devastates many empires, he called people to fight Barbarism. During the siege of Jerusalem and other cities many people died. The primary source has made me realize that Christians relied heavily on the violent methods to establish control over the territories. Such behavior is one historical example of how truly barbarian society fought against barbarism through the invasion and violence.

In closing, it is necessary to say that historical facts prove Walter Benjamin`s assumption that the development of civilization is always associated with barbarism. The events mentioned above are not the only examples of how stronger cultures were replacing the weaker ones, claiming them to be barbarians. Hence, Britain colonization of Africa or the colonization of America was also full of violence, death, and destructions, meaning that barbarianism was an indispensable component of every civilization.

  • Benjamin, Walter. Theses on the Philosophy of History. New York: Verso, 2009.
  • Chartres, Fulcher. ‘Pope Urban II’s Speech at Clermont.’ Calling the First Crusade, 1095.
  • D?az del Castillo, Bernal. ‘The True History of the Conquest of New Spain.’ Worlds Collide, 1567.
  • Las Casas, Bartolom?. ‘In Defense of the Indians.’ Defending Native Humanity, 1548.

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