
Anti-Flag and Anti-Capitalism

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It is not possible to talk about political punk bands without mentioning Anti-Flag which has made a name for their activism against war, capitalism, fascism, racism, and American foreign policy. Their music and public image is so closely interwoven with their political activism that their contract with RCA Records attracted considerable controversy .

Anti-Flag was founded by two childhood friends Justin Sane (singer and guitarist) and Pat Thetic (drummer) in Pittsburgh in 1993. Even though Justin grew up listening to Ramones and other non-political bands, he believed in the notion that punk rock is political. Justin’s idea of punk rock was influenced by various factors such as his elder siblings listening to political punk rock as well as growing up in a city (Pittsburgh) with a rich history of political punk rock bands .

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Anti-Flag has been quite vocal about its anti-capitalist ideology. In an attempt to explain the meaning of its name, the band stated among other things, “Anti-Flag means to stand against corporate greed that hurts millions while benefiting a handful of extremely rich.” Anti-Flag’s has stood against capitalism since its beginning and it is also reflected in the band’s solidarity with the participants of the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The band even released an album last year titled The General Strike in which it called for better workers’ rights, more just political system, and sustainable business practices as the norm, not the rarity. In an interview, band’s singer Justin Sane cited frequent update of iPhone models as an example of unsustainable business practice as well as consumerist society . But in an interview, Justin Sane made it clear that his anti-capitalist views should not be taken as a support for communist ideology but instead he supports social capitalism .

Anti-Flag continuously rallied against the Bush Administration’s policies and welcomed President Barack Obama’s election but its hopes soon turned into disappointment. As band’s member Chris explains, there is too much money in the politics. The band believes Corporate America’s money should not be allowed to flow into the politics so that the politicians serve their voters and not fund providers .

Anti-flag has been relevant on the punk rock scene for at least two decades now which demonstrates the band’s ability to maintain a loyal following. The band can teach several things to other bands about social influence. Anti-Flag has not been shy to utilize technology and rally its fans behind its causes which has helped it become a major political voice in the entertainment sector. The band sells politically-inspired merchandise on its website, including items with anti-capitalist slogans and even launched an activism blog in 2008 to promote sociopolitical change .

The band’s importance can also be judged by the fact that it has worked with some of the prominent organizations to promote its social ideologies. For example, it partnered with Amnesty International to release a song in support of Russian band Pussy Riot’s non-violent protest. Other organizations that the band has worked with include PETA, Greenpeace, and Democracy Now! . The fact that some of the leading non-profit organizations partner with Anti-Flag, is a testament to the band’s vast social influence.

Anti-Flag has not earned credibility through words only but has followed through with practical examples. The band organized an anti-capitalism tour in 2010 titled The Economy Sucks, Let’s Party! and one of the prominent features of the tour was its partnership with a clothing company Innes. The partnership required Anti-Flag and Innes to donate clothing and other items to local youth shelters in every city the band performed in .

The appeal of the band is not limited to US only but also extends to other countries. The band has performed in regions as diverse as Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia, South America, and Scandinavia. Similarly, they have shared stage with several big names in the music industry including Rage Against the Machine and Bjork. They have even participated in renowned music festivals such as Germany’s Rhein Kultur and Woodstock, Poland. The band has both national and international fan base which naturally makes it a powerful social activist and it is not surprising that the band is pursued by some of the most prominent activist agencies.

Anti-Flag has come a long way since its humble beginnings about two decades ago and has enjoyed a consistent record since then. The band has never been shy about its social activism including its anti-capitalist stance and has earned credibility by matching its actions with its words. The band has vast social reach which may be why it is pursued by some of the most prominent organizations to advance their particular social and political agenda.

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