
Aristotle’s Distinction

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An Aristotelian contemplator is a person who is regarded to have acquired a lot of knowledge and what he airs out to different people is the level of experience he has already stored in his mind. Aristotelian contemplator is involved in many situations which requires truth in an orderly manner in various challenging moments of the life. Aristotelian contemplator gives the fact to the best of his knowledge which is per the instruction he possesses in his mind. The primary task which Aristotelian contemplator does is to bring frontward the vacations which occur in his mind and airing them in different situations as they are speculated in his mind.

The answers which Aristotle gives is viewed by different people to be always true hence bringing out a real feeling of consciousness. The knowledge Aristotelian contemplator had is considered to be the best of human activity which has occurred among humans. It is id dues to his facts that many people regarded him as holy and supernatural as compared to other human beings. This essay will consider more on the comparison which Aristotelian contemplator made between practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge in dictating the life and expectations of human beings (Hardie and William, 287)

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In a practical point of view, Aristotle knew that various habits which an individual gets used to as well as learn at an early age either ill or goodwill at the end dictate the character of the individual when he or she gets to maturity. Aristotle argued that if a person learns to do good things at his or her early age, at his or her maturity age, the person continues to do good always as he or she is subjected to doing good things to other people and the world at large. Such kind of a person brings joy and is of many advantages to the community he or she comes from as he or she brings development to a great extent in different cities as that is what the person was subjected to in his or her tender age. In contrast, Aristotle made it clear that if a person is subjected to doing bad things at his or her early age, he or she is expected to continue doing bad things to other people and the world at large since that is what he or she was subjected to in his or her early age. Such kind of a person might have very little to the community he or she is born and might be the source of evils that happens in many cities.

Many individuals view the answer by Aristotle on habits of a person in his or her tender age to be true hence any are challenged to bring up their children in an excellent upright manner to shape their future. Aristotle clearly stated that it makes no difference trying to train a person in his or her mature age to do good as the habit of the person is less expected to change as compared to when such good habits were subjected to him or her when she was young (Korsgaard and Christine, 486). Aristotle has a belief that good virtues in a person are learned through nature and are always made perfect by the habit a person was subjected to in his or her tender age. Aristotle made it clear that if a person is submitted to righteousness in the youth stage, the person is expected to act contrary to what he or she was subjected to. In comparison, if a person was submitted to righteousness while young, there are little or no expectations of the individual acting contrary to what was he or she has learned since childhood. In one of his supportive statements which Aristotle gave, he said that goodness which human beings doe results to be the action of the soul I which is by the feature of the person.

In theoretical advice to the people on the truth of human beings, Aristotle advised the people to try to attain a high level of virtue which they can manage. Additionally, Aristotle stated that an individual can always accomplish the highest level of morality by still giving the best of themselves in every activity they carry out. The best of a person can be achieved through sound reasoning in that an individual is supposed to make proper and appropriate decisions in situations which requires decision making. Moreover, Aristotle added that for an individual can achieve high virtue in life; they are expected to conduct themselves nobly as well as in divine inspiration. The individual is not likely to act contrary to what he or she says or does. In that connection, the individual is expected to lead other people more so the young people in a fruitful direction by what he or she does or says (Yu and Jiyuan 76).

On the view of best life, Aristotle argues that contemplation is the best life which human beings can live. At some point, Aristotle seems to contradict many people who follow his work but rather Aristotle explains the nature and happiness of living differently. He says that good performance by human beings comes out as an activity of the soul by the virtue a person has. Aristotle explains the nature and happiness in Book X where he links the performance of a man with the divine nature. Devine nature is superior in a man hence dictates how the person lives his or her life in relationship with other people.

As per the practical and theoretical life skills discussed above by Aristotle, it is clear that the future of a person is dictated by the actions the person was subjected to in his or her tender age. If the measures submitted to the person is right, the person is expected to be right in his or her mature age. Additionally, if a child is subjected to bad habits, the bad habits are predicted to extend even in his or her older age. It is, therefore, the work of the adults to teach and make the children do well always as by doing so, the new generation which follows is expected to be composed of useful and productive people.

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