
Background Information

646 words | 3 page(s)

The world’s leading soft drink manufacturer Coca-Cola today encompasses over 200 countries and sells over 400 brands of non- alcoholic beverage (Vrontis & Sharp, 2003). Not much is known however about the origin of the company which sprout way back in 1886 through a pharmacist in Atlanta known as John Pemberton. By mixing a few ingredients and sampling it up on a few customers, the inventor came up with a strongly desired drink labeled “Coca-Cola”, that went for five cents a glass. Through economic boom and bust, depression and prosperity, fast track a couple of decades later and Coca-Cola has grown to become one of the most respectable giant corporates of the word through a mastery of brand building and a very successful management team.

The modern 4Ps of people, processes, programs and performance of the beverage company have further fostered the selling proposition and enhanced transparency of the organization by its stakeholders. Coca-Cola company has over time developed into a solidly managed structure and engraved quality procedures into its manufacturing, distribution and storage operations. These important segments have come to build well-defined processes properly documented and acknowledged throughout the organization. Collaboration and efficient alignment of resources have refined the company’s processes. Consequently, customers have come to realize consistency in the company’s products from all corners of the globe. People are also a cornerstone of the company and Coca-Cola has supported various CSR programs such as “Support my school”, climate protection and sustainable packaging. (Ghosh, 2010). All these cogs and wheels are like a timepiece in the company and their performance gauged to measure their return on investment (ROI). Through KPI’s and strategic alignment, people, processes, and programs have been streamlined parallel to the organization’s objectives.

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From a socio-cultural perspective, there are many factors that affect customers wants for instance safety of the community, health consciousness and population. With Coca-Cola being a global brand the company has an immense duty to satisfy the socio-cultural factors of their customers. Majority of the consumers in the United States are increasingly pursuing healthy lifestyles. In this light, many customers are switching from sugar-laden beverages to sugar-free drinks. Coca-Cola in this respect has honored the switch and has developed products such as the Coca-Cola light and Coke zero together with bottled water to serve this niche (Raman, 2007). Along the same lines, baby boomers are a core consumer target for Coca-Cola because as they get older they become increasingly aware of their nutritional needs and most of them want to avoid alcohol. Along the path of better life choices to increase their life-expectancy Coca-Cola’s non-alcoholic beverage portfolio serves as the best alternative for senior baby boomers. Many of these changes, however, are being driven by media perception, changing family patterns, and values.

Time management in the 21st century is a concern for more than 40 percent of households and this has increased the need for fast foods. In this regard, the Coca-Cola company has devised discounted fast food bundles that people can pick and quickly rush to the office or on the way home. Coca-Cola has advanced a culture-specific product portfolio that meets the values preferences and behaviors of customers of different values. For instance, the company formulated a unique sprite formula sold to the Japanese community.

In terms of giving back to the society, Coca-Cola has managed to develop tactical programs and sustainability plans that care for the planet and serve the people. The company has received some criticism in the recent past for environmental neglect but has changed tact through developing Corporate Responsibility Programs that seek to offset the inequity perceived. Through the sustainability plan 2020, the company has integrated green procedures throughout their manufacturing, distribution and storage operations. By ensuring low carbon release, zero waste, water stewardship, healthy product portfolio and supporting healthy living the company seeks to deliver for both the community and the workplace in the same measure (Karnani, 2014).

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