
Benefits of Nuclear Power in Japan

460 words | 2 page(s)

Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant accident is perhaps one of the worst nuclear disasters in recent history. A large-scale radiation leak occurred at power plant causing people living in the surrounding area to be force evacuated. Even today, farming, fishing and tourism industries around Fukushima are still suffering from fears of nuclear radiation following the accident. After Fukushima daiichi accident, anti-nuclear power movement throughout Japan gained rapid support. However, due to increasing demands, Japan needs to maintain nuclear energy use to satisfy their demands until another sustainable source can develop to take its place.

Nuclear power is necessary to Japan. In this paper, I will argue why Japan cannot quit nuclear power easily in its current energy state. The main reason is electricity which is the basis of the modern lifestyle and used every day by practically every person across the globe. In Japan, about 30% of its electrical energy comes from nuclear power. To supply power stably, Japan government will reopen nuclear power plants whose safety has been confirmed as a possible solution. The alternative of fossil fuel increases greenhouse gases and natural resources are in short supply. Simultaneously critics have highlighted the risks of nuclear disasters such as the Fukushima incident as well as lasting effects of such disasters. However, with a lack of alternatives, Japan has little choice of energy at the moment. Through this paper I will give examples of this dynamic.

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To prove these points, I will provide an overview of the state of energy in Japan, including the nuclear resources. Some of this information will come from Japan’s own energy policies and their plans for the future. Such a review will highlight the current state of energy and the political motivation behind the decisions. Other information will come from studies from environmental agencies, who can evaluate the possible energy options as well as those still in development. Finally, information about the possible future of energy can come from energy development experts and scientists can offer insights into the future of energy in Japan.

The nuclear power in Japan is essential, despite the catastrophic results from seemingly inevitable disasters. The process of shutting down nuclear generators takes decades to do correctly, making nuclear power a lasting concern even if it was abandoned immediately. Due to the lack of natural resources in Japan and the current development of alternative options, Japan has few other options to meet increasing energy demands. Consequently, nuclear power remains a necessary risk in Japan for now.

  • “Nuclear Power in Japan.” World Nuclear Association, World Nuclear Association. 16 October 2013. Web. 25 October 2013.
  • Rose, David J. “Nuclear Electric Power.” Science. 184.4134 (1974): 351-359. Web. 26 Oct. 2013.
  • Minami, Norio. “Japan’s Energy Conservation Initiatives: Highlighting the Energy Conservation Policy.” Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 3.1 (2008). 5-9. Web. 25 Oct. 2013

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