
Biomedical Engineering Personal Statement

348 words | 2 page(s)

Regardless of area of expertise, the ultimate goals of all areas in the field of biomedical engineering are the same: to improve overall quality of life, reduce the impact of disease in everyday life, and to provide the appropriate infrastructure that will both promote and enhance the interactions between biomedical engineers (Fazel-Rezai, 2011). This field, with such a noble goal, is one that I have longed to enter for years, but I find that the general public has little to no knowledge of what biomedical engineering is, or what it means to be a biomedical engineer. If they do not know, how can others desire to enter this field? How will we be able to bring new blood into the fold to continue to push the bounds of knowledge and innovation present within this field? It is to this end that I would like to find a way to increase biomedical engineering within Saudi Arabia.

Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles to the fields of medicine and biology in hope of finding alternative solutions to healthcare problems troubling various populations. It is a field that all can benefit from, and the possibilities for advancements that may come from this field are endless. It is the equivalent of giving a child who dearly loves puzzles the opportunity to literally play all day, working to determine the best way to tackle an old problem from a new angle utilizing the latest technologies, the best toys, available. By working to increase awareness of the field of biomedical engineering in Saudi Arabia, we will have worked to bring some of the best and brightest minds into the field, for those that may excel in this type of work may be unaware that such work exists. In order to work to solve the problems affecting the field of science and biology, we simply need new eyes and tools made from thinking outside of the box, opportunities afforded by the field of biomedical engineering.

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  • Fazel-Rezai, R. (2011). Biomedical Engineering – Frontiers and Challenges – Statistics | InTechOpen. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.intechopen.com/

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