
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

572 words | 2 page(s)


Indefinite point and area of convergence is the first gap in the evidence provided. The point or area of convergence mainly helps to establish the path through which the blood droplets were able to travel. In the evidence above, only the angle of impact has been provided. The point of convergence would be important in providing the tangential flight path of each and every droplet. In order to achieve this, it would be necessary to have the top view related to the flight path of the blood. No specific area of origin: – The results provided do not give an area of origin. This refers to the exact location expressed in a three-dimensional manner which represents the source of the blood. It may entail an area of convergence given in a z direction.

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The method used in this particular context is bloodstain pattern analysis in determining the nature of the crime.In this particular method, there is an in depth analysis of the physical properties of blood samples that have been found in the crime scene. They are usually observed and help to identify the different patterns as well as conditions that were present at the time of the incident along with the different forces used to the blood source. The research article of interest in his study is from Australia. It so happened that a man was acquitted after serving four years in jail for being accused of killing his ex-wife. She was last seen in her apartment a day before the incident and never to be found again. Her husband was charged with her disappearance after her disappearance. Evidence was provided in the court by the prosecutor. It mainly was some considerable amount of bloodstains of her ex-wife, which had been found on the defendant’s tie; although this was verified using quite outdated technology, as it was later determined by his lawyer.

After investigation, it was determined that only 70 milliliters of his ex-wife’s blood had been found in her apartment, and using the knowledge of blood spatter analysis, before someone succumbs to death, one must lose close to 2000 ml of blood, which was not the case. After determining that the blood had only been from a nosebleed, the evidence was considered to be false. As a result, the man was acquitted and released after spending 4 years in jail. This case was chosen because it presents an actual real life experience on just how important the understanding as well as application of blood spatter analysis may be. It clearly illustrates how the knowledge may be difference between freedom and someone being given a lifetime sentence in prison. The case was the most appropriate as it related what is learnt in class to what is applied in the real world.

This method may be applied in the fact pattern through assisting in determining the nature of the drop patterns. This represents the pattern developed when blood drips into another wet surface. The method may also help in determining the arterial spurts from the source in order to ascertain the pressure involved. In order to correct the gaps, it would be important establish a specific relationship between the dropping height on the scene and the diameter of the blood drop. This would be helpful in ascertaining the point of convergence. Thereafter, the study would use the bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) software to calculate the point of origin.

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