
Born in the USA Review

611 words | 3 page(s)

Birth experiences are some of the most important events that any parent can have in the United States. They are emotional events, and also health events. Parents, who are naturally cautious, are always looking for ways to have a safer, more effective birth. The video “Born in the USA” provides some insights into what people are doing today to ensure that they have the best possible birth experiences. The video discusses some of the challenges that hospitals and doctors face as they try to meet the changing and dynamic needs of their patients while working within the constraints of their system.

One of the most interesting things about this video was how it discussed the legal considerations that providers go through when they are trying to provide this kind of care. It should be obvious to any person who knows anything about the medical field that malpractice insurance is a major concern for doctors and nurses today. This video was surprising because it presented this as a much bigger concern than one might have realized. Doctors are sometimes not able to do the kind of work that they want to do because they are fearful. In addition, the video makes it clear that hospitals do not really have the kinds of resources that they need in order to really provide quality care. It would be best if there could be one on one experiences for people who are having kids. This is not always possible, though. Often, there is just not enough nurses and doctors to go around, and thus, people are left to fend for themselves with doctors that are overworked and a lack of support staff.

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One of the unique things about this video was how it put the birth experience in such a dynamic and wide perspective. Many people think of having a child in terms of going to the hospital. This video makes clear that the woman should be able to have a child in the environment that is best for her. Is this the home? For most women, it will not be. Is it the hospital? In some cases, this can be helpful and even necessary. In some instances, it is even best to have the child in a specific child birth center. The goal is to make sure that the woman is comfortable. All of the different options in the United States today ensure that women get to have a choice.

After watching this video, it is clear that things are not perfect. The system is not designed without flaws. There are legal and medical constraints that make it so that women do not get the kind of experience that they would otherwise want or need. At the same time, it is clear that the American experience, and the American approach to child birth, is one that puts the mother and the child in the driver’s seat. There is tremendous focus on providing the kind of experience where the mother can be comfortable, and the child’s health is also a major concern. Doctors would like for things to be better. If they had the freedom to do what they wanted to do without having to worry about being sued, then perhaps the system would look a little bit different. It is clear that women have learned that they should simply appreciate the experience for what it is. Doctors do what they can, and women learn to make the experience one that they are comfortable with. It was surprising to learn how involved the process is, but given the resources available to American medical professionals, perhaps this should not be a surprise at all.

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