
California Vehicle Code

593 words | 2 page(s)

It would be wise to note that any disregard to major rules of the road in California is punishable according to law. In regard to California Vehicle Code 22107 (CVC for short), it actually represents the rule for signaling both turns and stops on the road. In particular, California Vehicle Code 22107 incorporates two fundamental pillars:

• Drivers are permitted to turn only in case they give the correct signals on the road;
• Drivers are allowed to turn after they make sure neither oncoming cars nor pedestrians are likely to be affected as a result of their turn on the road.

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In reality, it is extremely important to follow California Vehicle Code 22107. While the bulk of people are firmly minded to claim that CVS deserves a careful regard, however, some give reasonable grounds for submitting that VC 22107 should be referred to as a truly inadequate law. The law states that it is prohibited to “turn a vehicle from a direct course or move right or left upon a roadway until such movement can be made with reasonable safety and then only after the giving of an appropriate signal in the manner provided in this chapter in the event any other vehicle may be affected by the movement”. The opponents of the law aimed at improving road safety in the cities advance an argument that there is yet much to be done in order to finalize the CVC 22107 and ensure its efficient implementation. Of course, the abovementioned claim does make sense to a great extent. There have been cases in which police officers have lied in respect of a driver’s speed with a view to adhering to the daily traffic citation quota. Based on this, it can be assumed that the officer may potentially invent something that never really happened. In concrete terms, they are likely to state that a motorist did not provide the correct indication before making the lane change.

By immersing into the law for signaling turns and stops on the road, it comes to light that there is a long way to go in order to make it work for the people. After a thorough consideration, no one can fail to note that the focus should be to revise the law and adopt measures to make it impossible for police officers to blame a driver without having proof. At the same time, California vehicle code vc22107 does constitute the major step towards road safety improvement in the United States. True be told, the law creates a platform for police officers to cancel or suspend the motorist’s license as an outcome of a dangerous turn and/or inaccurate signal. By violating VC 22107, the driver may potentially affect other road users and hence imposing fines and penalties for such actions seems to be quite legitimate.

Sure enough, California vehicle code vc22107 should not be underestimated from the perspective of the extent to which it can change road transport situation for the better. Nevertheless, special attention must be given to the fact that it is significant for a police recruit to follow the vehicle code and have a good foundation of driving. In brief, police officers should always follow road safety and traffic rules; it is fitting to admit that they have to be equipped with good driving techniques and instinctive reactions. The reluctance to obey traffic rules and use common sense contributes negatively to their overall reputation. To put the matter differently, by doing so, police officers are losing public support. Equally important, they simply set a terrible example for all of us.

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