
Chemicals in Agriculture

912 words | 4 page(s)

Purpose: This speech seeks to highlight the use of chemicals in agriculture, highlighting both safe and unsafe usage and calling to action the need to encourage safe usage.
Thesis: In a bid to understand the importance of the topic, it is imperative to differentiate safe usage of chemicals in agriculture from the unethical usage of chemicals in agriculture. Only then can individuals be well-informed of the possible dangers of unsafe usage of chemicals and learn how best to use chemicals in agriculture.

Organizational pattern: Motivated sequence
Attention Getter: Do we ever wonder how poisonous substances get into what we consume and the potentially hazardous effect of consuming such foods has on our health over an extended period?
Relevance: There is need for individuals to learn the positive and negative attributes associated with the usage of chemicals in agriculture. Arguably, agriculture constitutes the very backbone of every healthy nation. The consumption of healthy foods translates to good health amongst individuals. Nonetheless, in recent times, probably driven by the need for quick or robust harvests, some individuals have resorted to the use of chemicals aimed at increasing their yields or even hastening the growth of the plants. In some instances, the use of poisonous chemicals has been reported. Such chemicals do not only pose a danger to humans when ingested, but can also percolate through the soil into water bodies causing massive environmental degradation.
Credibility: Growing up, I have always been fascinated by the agricultural process, the growing of seeds which then blossom into edible products. In future, I intend on venturing into agriculture as an alternative business venture. Consequently, over the years, I have taken a keen interest in matters of agriculture.
Thesis: In a bid to understand the importance of the topic, it is imperative to differentiate safe usage of chemicals in agriculture from the unethical usage of chemicals in agriculture. Only then can individuals be well-informed of the possible dangers of unsafe usage of chemicals and learn how best to use chemicals in agriculture.
Preview: without further ado, let us analyze the types of chemical usage in agriculture in a bid to differentiate sage usage from unsafe usage.

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Transition: to start us off, we shall analyze safe usage of chemicals in agriculture.

II. Body
What is the beneficial impact of using chemicals in farming?
Aktar and other collegues in their journal article, Impact of pesticides use in agriculture: their benefits and hazards suggest that there is profound evidence suggesting that the use of pesticides in agriculture helps control unwanted pests and rodents, therefore, improving yields considerably
In addition, the same article suggests that usage of chemicals such as recommended fertilizers is beneficial in agriculture since it makes farmlands that would otherwise be barren arable and productive by boosting the soils nutrients.
Furthermore, a research study by Ankita Rakesh and other scientists suggests that with the exception of chemicals containing phosphorous, other chemicals only boost the nutrients in the ground and are then depleted with considerable damage to the environment.

Transition: Now that we are well versed with the positive attribute of using chemicals in agriculture, it is prudent that we analyze the negative consequences of the same.
B: what are the dangers of using chemicals in agriculture?
A research study by Lavanya Kumari and Giridhar Reddy suggests that usage of chemicals in agriculture exposes the farmers themselves to a lot of toxicity that could lead to various health problems. The problem is especially compounded in the case of chemicals that are sprayed as their means of administration.
In the same breath, a study by Christos Damalas and Ilias Eleftherohorinos warns that improper use of chemicals in agriculture is potentially hazardous to the environment. Through percolation, these chemicals find their way into water ways, thereby endangering both aquatic plants and animals in addition to contaminating these water bodies.

C: Visualization for the future:
Imagine a future devoid of plant life and dying aquatic plants and animals. Envision a future where one is afraid to drink water due to the high levels of contamination resulting from negligent use of chemicals in agriculture.
Transition: this speech has explored both the positive and negative attributes associated with the use of chemicals in agriculture. In essence, the goal of the speech was to encourage the safe and considerate use of chemicals in agriculture.

III. Conclusion
Thesis/Summary: In this speech, I have strived to differentiate safe usage of chemicals in agriculture from the unethical usage of chemicals in agriculture. The idea was to encourage individuals to strive to adhere to safe usage of chemicals in agricultural applications.
Memorable Close. Based on our discussion, the next time before one generously sprays chemicals over any form of agricultural plant, kindly take a moment and reflect on the potentially risky position you might be putting the rest of the world into.

  • Aktar W., Sengupta D. & Chowdhury A. (2009). Impact of pesticides use in agriculture: their benefits and hazards. Journal of inter-disciplinary toxicology. 2(1): 1’12.
  • Ankita R. et al. (2013).Chemical use in farming and its health and environmental implications in a rural setting in southern India. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology. Vol. 5, issue 5. Pp 90-95.
  • Damalas C. & Eleftherohorinos I. (2011). Pesticide Exposure, Safety Issues, and Risk Assessment Indicators. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 8, issue 5. Pp 1402-1419.
  • Kumari L., & Reddy G. (2013). Knowledge and Practices of safety use of Pesticides among Farm workers. OSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. Volume 6, Issue 2(Nov. -Dec. 2013), PP 01-08.

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