
Chinese Privet Distribution and Juniper Presence in BFL

960 words | 4 page(s)

What is Chinese Privet?

Chinese Privet (LISI) is a plant known to affect the ecosystem on a large-scale simply because of its ability to displace native vegetation. Think of what happened when the explorers came to America for the first time. Disease spread from the Europeans and wiped out a large portion of the Native American population. On a similar level, this is exactly what Chinese Privet does to native plants. LISI plants are extremely hard to eradicate once they begin to take root in the ecosystem and reproduce – which does not take much time.

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As for the history of Chinese Privet, the plant is originally from China and made its way into the U.S. in the year 1852. The plant is widely used in the gardening industry for shrubbery, and its become popularized in part due to the white flowers that grow from it.

Chinese Privet (LISI) is a plant known to influence the biological community on an expansive scale essentially on account of its capacity to uproot local vegetation. Consider what happened when the voyagers came to America out of the blue. Illness spread from the Europeans and wiped out an expansive segment of the Native American populace. On a comparable level, this is precisely what Chinese Privet does to local plants. LISI plants are to a great degree difficult to annihilate once they start to flourish in the biological system and duplicate – which does not take much time.

Concerning the historical backdrop of Chinese Privet, the plant is initially from China and advanced into the U.S. in the year 1852. The plant is broadly utilized as a part of the cultivating business for greenery, and its progress toward becoming advanced to some degree because of the white blooms that develop from it.

As you can see above, the LISI plant has spread rapidly throughout the 20th Century. The plant, as stated before, is known to push out native species, sometimes threatening extinction. The Chinese Privet is also toxic to humans, as it’s been known to lead to symptoms of nausea, headache, vomiting, and more. Part of the reason why this plant has spread so rapidly is due to the fact that it reproduces both sexually and by vegetative means. Seeds are spread by birds and wind, and deforestation provides a healthy environment and circumstances for the LISI plant to take over. Therefore, to get rid of this plant in a certain location takes a lot of resources, time, and smart decision-making on the person in charge of the operation.

Project Proposal:
The project proposal is to estimate the population size of Chinese Privet plants and the relative importance of Juniper in BFL. We want to choose coverage measurement as a means to estimate the population size because it makes it easier to measure shrubs and understand the contribution of different organisms within the community. It’s also important to understand the similarities and differences between the types of coverage measurements such as basal covers, foliar covers, canopy covers, and ground covers. Basal covers are very stable from year to year, and they change little due to climate and grazing animals. Foliar covers are covers that measure using a vertical projection of the exposed leaf area. Canopy covers estimate the area of influence of the plant, such as the influence of the roots. The ground cover looks at the soil surface of a plant and the overlapping of the plants.

The materials we will use are as follow: a random number generator, flags, surveyor’s tape, stakes, non-stretch strings (one of which will be 8m of string at least, or multiple shorter strings), a compass, a small strip post-it (2 different colors), and, if necessary, a plot sampling data forms. An example of these plot sampling data forms can be seen above.

The procedure we will follow is to: 1) locate sample plots, 2) Build quadrat frames, and 3) use coverage sampling.
We will use a combination of random and stratified sampling methods in order to maintain random sampling and prevent too much clumped sampling. Some questions we should ask ourselves regarding the data should be related to whether or not any plots do not have LISI plants or juniper. Additionally, whether or not any plots are fully covered by LISI plants or juniper. We should look for confounding variables and ask ourselves if the coverage sampling is a good method to use in our study.

We will utilize a mix of arbitrary and stratified testing strategies so as to keep up irregular inspecting and forestall excessively bunched examining. A few inquiries we ought to ask ourselves with respect to the information ought to be identified with regardless of whether any plots don’t have LISI plants or juniper

The timeline we have set up is on a five-week basis. In week one, we will work on the project proposal. For week two, the setup will be done and 3-5 sample plots will be measured. In week three, four, and five, we will measure 3-5 sample plots in each of those three remaining weeks. The team has agreed to swap email addresses and phone numbers to help each member communicate with one another to a more effective extent. We plan on meeting at numerous times in order to complete this project and analyze the data we come up with. Everyone will be given a specific amount of work where we expect every member to give his or her time to this project.

  • Plants Profile for Ligustrum sinense (Chinese privet), plants.usda.gov/core/profile?symbol=LISI. Chinese privet: Ligustrum sinense (Scrophulariales: Oleaceae): Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States, www.invasiveplantatlas.org/subject.html?sub=3035.
  • “Weed Information Sheet.” Chinese Privet • Weedbusters, www.weedbusters.org.nz/weed-information/ligustrum-sinense/59/.

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