
Christian Morality

621 words | 3 page(s)

What makes one think about moral issues is the myriad of controversial issues that elicits debate in the society often. Making good moral decisions is hard and this is because part of the challenge is the fact that we humans do not exist in a vacuum. However, the most essential thing is to identify, justify, defend and argue for you are the ideal moral stand. This should be accompanied by demonstration of clear understanding and consistent reasoning coupled with critical thinking and evaluation skills.

Freedom is a fundamental aspect in the life of humankind. Socially and ethically speaking, freedom is vital when the conscience of an individual is not bothered by the actions or decisions made that somehow elicited controversial debates. When one’s subconscious is disturbed, this affects the body and impedes the reasoning and thinking of the individual thus leads to making misguided decisions, which might not be helpful to the society or to the individual, him or herself.

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The most important rule in life according to me is the application of justice. We crave for a fair society where no one is above the laws. However, being a socially stratified society, where there exist the elites and the less privileged, there is a conflict in the implementation of the laws thus undermining the ethical guidelines of those bestowed with the authority to oversee such a mandate. This leads to selective application of the law whereby serious crimes committed by the elites warrants a small penalty if not ignored while those by the less privileged however small they are attracts severe penalties.

The ideal I find important in my life is equity. Equity is a term not so common to most communities or nations especially those of superior cultures. This has thus led to preferential treatment of those from select groups and consequently cannot enjoy the privileges that the others enjoy in society. Inequitable allocation of resources and the provision of services emanates from the entrenched discrimination so pervaded in the society. Therefore, if people from all races could embrace unity and see themselves as one race, then discrimination would just be a term that exists in the dictionary.

A good person is one who is guided by his or her own conscience. This is a person whose decisions are independent of the peer and societal pressures and thus makes autonomous decisions that are well informed. Moreover, a good person is one who is able to exercise empathy and see the tribulations of the fellow individuals from his or her point of view thus initiate the necessary actions in the attempt of offering help. Concisely, a good person is who has a conscience.

Love is a gesture that fosters social integration in the society and the family as well. It brings with it patience and kindness and does not accommodate jealousy, showing off and arrogance. Love is a virtue that does not seek to satisfy its own but rather recognizes the art of sharing among people. From the biblical perspective, the book of Corinthians stresses that, “If I offer all my possession to the less privileged, and if I surrender my body to be burned but love does not manifest, it profits me nothing.”

From the adage action speaks louder than words, I think action communicates volumes unlike intentions. Intentions are rather virtual and cannot be substantiated but actions can.

One can know that they have a conscience with regard to the kind of decisions they make subject to the ratification of those around them or the society. Moreover, if they can make decision independent of any kind of duress or influence is also a gesture of someone who believes in the moral values that he or she ascribes.

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