
Collaborative Teaching

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Students with special needs make one the most delicate group of learners in various perspectives. These students have distinct needs and expectations that need to be addressed in the course of educations admiration and during instruction. Besides the academic desires of these students, these students need to be exposed to an exceptional social and emotional learning experience (Dover, 2005). Progressions in the social, cultural and economics in the society has also influenced a massive transformation of the needs of these students that requires continuous evaluation of their education strategies. Strategic engagement of these students in the learning process is essential for the identification and consideration of the needs of the students with special needs.

The most practical and realistic way of addressing the academic, social and emotional needs of the students with special considerations is through the adoption of a comprehensive model of learning (Dover, 2005). This can be achieved through the application of Co-teaching in the learning institutions with these students. Co-teaching in this perspective should be advanced in a collaborative manner that integrates all the instructor, learning and institutions. The commitment of all stakeholders in the teaching process is a critical construct in the development of teaching model of a very high quality.

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The engagement of the students in the teaching process is essential in changing their perceptions and attitudes in relation to the learning process (Thousand, Villa & Nevin). This reduces the gap between the teachers and the students and through this, the students can share information that is very intimate to them. The instructors can them plan their lessons through embedding these needs. The teachers should also formulate ways of motivating these students to participate in various activities in their development by regarding be very important members of the society. Their participation can also increase their level of confidence and have the moral courage to enhance their skills in practical environments.

The application of team teaching is also very essential to upholding the spirit of collaborative learning. Instructors have various experiences through their life and educational experiences. There are also teachers that have special skills about the delivery and administration of education to students. Therefore, embracing team teaching is a classical representation of a complimentary framework that encourages a structured cooperation among experts (Friend & Cook, 2003). Through this model, the delivery of high-quality education to the students with special needs is enhanced because it increases the level of insight development among the students because of the provision of various viewpoints to one aspect.

The best way to achieve successful Co-teaching for the student with special needs is through embracing sufficient preparation. In the preparation phase, the use of the Co-teaching components is essential because it provides a framework along which the plans and schedules are embedded. One of the strategies to formulate an inclusive plan is through organizing for consultation with all stakeholders (Gately Susan & Gately Frank, 2001). The planning assists the instructors make priorities of what they want to achieve at the end of the lesson by laying out the required learning objectives. Consequently, the instructor cover all the important segments in their lessons which is elemental in addressing the needs of the students.

Co-teaching assist the instructors to give their work a diverse approach (Keefe, Moore & Duff, 2004). The perspectives acquired in the incorporation of collaborative activity exposes both the instructor and the learners to multicultural atmospheres because of the differences in the values and beliefs of students. The inclusive strategies are also developed by virtue of teamwork among the learners. Consequently, strategic collaboration exposes both the learners and teachers to new standpoints characterized by multiplicity that also assist in the development of sufficient tolerance among people with different backgrounds. Besides promoting social, educational and emotional development, it also enhances the acquisition of mature outlook to reality.

  • Dover, Wendy. “20 Ways to Consult and Support Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Classrooms.” Invention in School and Clinic, 41(1). September 2005: 35-2.
  • Friend & Cook. “Coteaching.” Chapter 8. 2003.
  • Gately, Susan & Gately, Frank. “Understanding Co-teaching Components.” The Council of Exceptional Children. April 2001.
  • Keefe Elizabeth, Moore Veronica & Duff Frances. “The Four Knows of Collaborative Teaching. Council of Exceptional Children.” May 2004.
  • Thousand Jacqueline, Villa Richard & Nevin Anne. “The Many Faces of Collaborative Planning and Teaching.” Theory into Practice, 45(3), 239-48.

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