
College Admissions Essay

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The freezing night in mountains under sub-zero conditions definitely changed the way I’ve perceived life since then. Before that dramatic event, I tended to somewhat underestimate most things around me. I seemed to neglect simple pleasures and the comfort of life around me. I just took most of what I had for granted and failed to thank God for all.

However, one night was enough to change it all. Being an advanced skier, I decided to make one last descend that day. It was about 6 p.m. while the twilights embraced the whole view, or at least what I could see. I opted for the ill-lit route to boost adrenaline and add a sense of adventure to the dawning day.

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Suddenly, my left ski hit something hard and I fell over my head along the slope. My leg was aching hard and I even thought that I had broken it. With that thought the wave of panic overwhelmed my consciousness. I could see my left ski deep in the snow, though there was no sign of the right one. The ski poles were beyond reach even though my first thought was to use them to get down. Unfortunately, the pain increased and I lay a bit of snow on my leg to soothe it. While my head was full of wild thoughts, I desperately needed to pull myself together and come up with the right decision.

In my life, I mostly relied on my parents and tutors for serious decisions and responsibility. They always served as guardian angels and landed me an airbag whenever I experienced problems or appeared in critical situations. However, that night I was left all alone without anyone’s guess about my whereabouts.

After the first hour or so, the howling wind brought in blizzard and snowflakes started to hit my face hardly. Everything turned into petrifying whiteness that penetrated my heart with horror. The physical pain now seemed lesser than the frightening feeling of despair. I just did not know what I would do next. I knew I could not walk as I would not even stand up.

As I appeared beyond the pine tree, I managed to cut few branches and lay them underneath. I had a box of matches in my pocket, though my hands were trembling hard and I decided to put my gloves on anew. My cell phone battery went dead long ago so I had not the slightest contact with the civilization. When I decided to scream and call for help, it seemed that the howling wind was only laughing at me. The decreasing temperature increased the overall tension.

Another hour had passed. I got cold to the bones. The thrill of the moment made me pray and ask God for help. Then I recalled all those happy days and nights in my life when I took ordinary things for granted. I failed to thank God for everything I had. Though now I needed Him hardly. I realized that He challenged me and gave me the lesson that would turn me into a better person, a conscious and thankful one who would appreciate the tiniest pleasures in life; that understanding and sincere prayer eventually helped me to survive the coldest night in my life.

The rescue team came in four hours to save me half-frozen. Fortunately, I managed to overcome the challenge. Now I am thankful for every day I live and everything I have in my life. Now I am thankful for such an important challenge that had made me re-consider the kind of person I am and the way I live my life.

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