
College Application Background Story

635 words | 3 page(s)

Where we are born has huge impact on our lives but some people mistakenly believe that the circumstances surrounding our birth also shape our destiny. I know the later to be wrong because my mother is a living proof destiny is not something given to us but instead shaped by us.

My parents are from Pakistan which is a conservative and traditional society which my birth father openly embraced. He believed men are superior to women and men should run the household as they see fit. My mother could not have been more different which is also due to the fact that she is highly educated and a physician by profession which is quite a contrast to the majority of Pakistani women that are housewives, even many with college degrees. My mother had experienced the power of education as well as having an open mind, thus, she decided to raise her children under liberal values. She wanted us to have greater freedom regarding our life choices and also wanted to inspire us to embrace progressive social values.

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My mother knew she was taking the difficult path but she had the courage to realize progress often requires personal sacrifices. Due to my parents conflicting personalities and life philosophies, they got divorced when I was only 11 years old and my mother assumed the responsibility of raising all of us by herself. Divorce is a stigma in Pakistani society and not only she was blamed for the divorce but even I was told my future is ruined because I would not grow up in a stable family environment. But my mother was never the one to let others determine our life story. Not only she has given me more love than what others get from both the father and the mother but she has also given me complete freedom to pursue my dreams. She often advises me to do whatever I want even if the whole world may oppose it. People often look for inspiration outside their homes, thus, I consider myself the luckiest person in the world to have grown up so close to my greatest inspiration which is my mother.

Today, I am able to go to a college in the U.S. and choose my own major because my mother has fought hard to protect this right for me. Thus, I am not going to college just to get a degree and have a well-paid job but I am also going to college to become a better citizen of the society. This whole world is my home and inequality anywhere whether economic or social requires us to help those that are less privileged than us. The society can never progress unless it takes care of its less fortunate members. Thus, I have several social goals in addition to professional goals which include working towards education causes in both the U.S. and abroad. Education gave my mother the courage to become aware of her rights and become self-sufficient and I believe it is the most powerful weapon to reverse centuries old traditions that prevent social progress. The key is to empower people and inspire them to fight for themselves because I strongly believe people cannot be helped until they help themselves.

I am not attracted to your university only for its academic reputation but also due to tremendous out-of-class learning experiences. The university’s diverse student body will enable me to expand my thinking perspectives and also develop valuable soft skills such as communication and cross-cultural skills. I am also inspired by the fact that the university places huge emphasis on helping its students build strong characters and become productive members of the society. I hope my learning experiences at ABC University will provide me with strong foundation to achieve my career and social goals.

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