
Computer Security Systems (Aviation Sector)

1030 words | 4 page(s)

Over the recent years, cyber-attacks on the aviation sector have been on the rise. Attack on data systems meant to control operations at the airport have been severe and have consequently led to the quest for technological innovation on ways through which computer systems security can be assured. After realizing the intensity of these attacks, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has invested in research on the most secure means of enhancing cyber safety and security (Sternstein, 2016). Importantly, a small attack can have dire consequences because aviation deals with people who trust the control room for their safety in flights, thus, calling for higher levels of accuracy. Therefore, this paper will define steps that can be adopted to ensure adequate computer security for the aviation sector.

First, it is crucial to conduct a risk assessment of the computer security systems (Brennan, 2017). Essentially, computer systems are updated to match up with the technological trends and to fill up gaps that may make the security systems vulnerable. These systems should have strong authentication to avoid unnecessary penetration. Further, they should have a great configuration to easily detect threats and possible damages likely to occur. If authentication and configuration is secured, it is challenging for unauthorized persons to access the data system and monitor who accesses it (Neumann, n.d). Finally, when conducting a risk assessment, it is crucial to review, evaluate, and document all organizational procedures and policies and offer recommendations on all findings of current cyber threats cases.

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Moreover, great planning is needed to improve policies and developmental procedures of the framework (Brennan, 2017). The main importance of the framework core is to give the set of activities that are required to gain unique cybersecurity systems. The core provides major cyber security results that the industry takes to be helpful in combating risks that may be faced in the provision of cybersecurity services. The framework is made up of four elements. First, functions (identification, detection, protection, arrangement, response, and recovery) arrange fundamental cybersecurity undertakings at their topmost level. Functions help the computer system in clearly showing cybersecurity risk management by organizing information and addressing any threats. Secondly, categories are closely connected with the need for which a program is made to achieve cybersecurity results for instance asset management. Subcategories enhance the stability of the framework by giving definite technical results of management undertakings (Neumann, n.d). Finally, informative references refer to unique parts of standards, practices, and guidelines that are frequent in the computer modular architecture that illustrates how a method can attain results associated with every part.

In addition, designing and building of an entire security system is vital for the aviation sector (Brennan, 2017). System security design gives an adaptable and layered environment for information and operational technology, communications and network systems with physical and electronic security being included. Further, system design is mainly concerned with interpreting the architecture of the hardware and software, modules, data, components, and interfaces for the computer systems to satisfy the requisite needs. Therefore, an aviation computer system design should be done in such a way that it represents all the needs of clearance, luggage inspection, and security in an efficient and effective way. For instance, in security design, the aviation management could adopt security audit (review, analysis, generation, event selection and storage), safeguarding of the TSF, management of security, privacy, and user data protection through digital signatures, key exchanges, certificates and CAs, encryption, and hash functions (Neumann, n.d). Essentially, a complex and stable system design gives a more secure system that can protect external intrusion and easily detect threats that may be channeled towards the computer system.

Additionally, for the computer system to be secure against threats, security operations should be well defined (Brennan, 2017). Systems are designed using components that define the need and area of use. Again, every component is a system which contains specifications and implementation, and thus no component should contain loops. If a system has to be used for aviation, it must be trusted to meet all the security specifications. All components have to fall under the trusted computing base (TCB) which refers to a compilation of trusted components of the hardware and software parts of the computer. The security operations refer to the physical environment for which a system used including individual for operating and managing the system components (Neumann, n.d). In fact, a TCB should be kept simple and small to ease the process of amending the components to the detailed analysis. A TCB should mediate entry to protected data and programs and at no point should a TCB be bypassed. Finally, the management should ascertain that the TCP cannot be interfered with and no outside programs should change the TCB software.

Finally, providing education for aviation personnel is important (Brennan, 2017). Mostly, the kind of education program that individual should embrace is that which focuses on ways of dealing with cyber threats and interferences. Moreover, the staff should be informed about the risky behaviors that may arise, responsibility and integrity and performance measures (Neumann, n.d). It is paramount to educate employees to keep them updated with the changing technological issues and entry points through which cyber attacks are likely to happen.

In conclusion, providing secure computer systems with minimal chances of being overpowered by threats is a process that requires careful considerations. Regular risk assessment of the computer systems, improving on the policies and developmental procedures of the computer framework, designing and building up a security design, clear definition of threats, and offering staff education is key for any system to depict efficiency and effectiveness. Furthermore, all loops that can be used by attackers should be closed. A secure aviation computer system is crucial for the communication with staff, passengers, and execution of other responsibilities such as security search. Therefore, aviation computer systems should be at the highest performance.

  • Brennan, B. (2017). 6 Steps to Aviation Cyber Security Protection. Leidos. Retrieved from insights.leidos.com/markets/6-steps-to-aviation-cyber-security-protection
  • Neumann, P. G. (n.d) Computer Security in Aviation: Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Risks. Retrieved from www.csl.sri.com/users/neumann/air.html
  • Sternstein, A. (2016). FAA Working on New Guidelines for Hack-Proof Planes. Nextgov. Retrieved from www.nextgov.com/cybersecurity/2016/03/faa-has-started-shaping-cybersecurity-regulations/126449/

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