
Consumer Psychology and Marketing Communication

660 words | 3 page(s)

Consumer psychology involves the critical analysis and the study of the consumer methods and trends of selecting products in the markets and to include the impact of the services they expect and the experiences. In the market analysis the consumers in this case are groups of people, organizations or even specific individual within a given economic concept. The study of the concepts that affect and determine their trends of purchasing and disposing the products will help in the communication in the market and the designing of the market strategies in the market. The recognition of importance of the consumer behavior is vital in the creation of a fruitful marketing communication and strategies. The understanding of the consumer behavior and psychology will help in the identification of the right time to take given products to or withdrawing from the market (St?ncioiu. et al 2013).

The consumer concepts can be advertising certain products during given times when the consumer is in dire need of the product. Supplying products and trying to persuade the decisions of the customers by the economic psychologists. It involves the follow up of the behaviors of the consumers during certain times of the economic period. This study also involves the identification of the roles of moods, beliefs, feelings, perceptions, opinions or thoughts of the consumer and the extent to which they impact on the taste, preferences and abilities of the consumer to purchase certain products (Avnet, Pham & Stephen, 2012).

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Significance of Consumer Psychological Concepts in Developing a Successful Marketing Communication
Understanding the consumer psychology will equip the producer, supplier and seller the information they need to strategically supply the products into the markets. When they have studied the consumers and have the assurance that they are good to buy products they will advertise after producing more and supply them. This will increase the volumes of sales in the market. Understanding the consumers will let the seller be aware of the type of goods to advertise and through what modes of advertisement; they will capture the interests and attention of the customer. The producers will be able to produce just proportionate volumes and within certain standards and this will prevent wastage of resources. The sellers or rather the producers when well equipped with information on the consumer behavior will have to plan well, and put everything in course as he waits for the high seasons in the markets. This will make them impressive benefits when they get to the markets with the products (Avnet, Pham & Stephen, 2012).

The Relationship between Consumer Psychology and Marketing Communications
The concepts in understanding consumer psychology helps in the formulating of what information regarding the markets should be communicated and that which will influence the operations and activities in the market. There is need to identify the what kind of products that the consumers need in the market and this is what the understanding of the consumer psychology implies. The consumer psychology also provides the producers with the information of the quantity of goods to take to the markets (St?ncioiu. et al 2013).

Consumer psychology also links to the time of supplying the products in the market. This is one of the major information contained and should be communicated in the markets. The communication in the market determined by the time the products are to be taken to the markets. This is another aspect that the consumer psychology determines in the market. Market communication should involve the trends of the consumers in the markets and these are affected by the psychological status of the consumers. The information gotten from the study of the consumers will reveal the type of consumers the market contains and this influences on the information communicated in the markets (Avnet, Pham & Stephen, 2012).

  • Avnet, T., Pham, M., & Stephen, A. T. (2012). Consumers’ Trust in Feelings as Information. Journal Of Consumer Research, 39(4), 720-735
  • St?ncioiu, A. et al (2013). Integrated marketing communication in tourism – an analysis. Case study: Muntenia and Oltenia. Theoretical & Applied Economics, 20(6), 7-34.

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