
Crime and Punishment Characters

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How does Dostoevsky criticise social stereotypes through the Role of Female Characters in Crime and Punishment?

The novel Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky criticises social stereotypes through the role of female characters, because it portrays Sonya and Dunya differently to how women would have been characterised during that time era. The novel portrays the idea of a sacred female, the subsequent eroticization of females and solid reliance on the stereotypes about the role of females in society. Dostoyevsky criticizes the role of females in society because the novel addresses the way woman were treated, in which was an important issue that Dostoyevsky was concerned about. The story shows the opposite of traditional perspectives in men and women in society because the novel shows women to be hardworking, loyal and self-sacrificing for men.

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Firstly, throughout the novel Crime and Punishment, the author depicts Sonya and Dunya through several stereotypes. At first, he notes that the environment of these females is reluctant to redeem characters, while women gain more importance in the society. In addition, the men’s eroticization of females is reflected in the attitude of males to the position of the females in the community. In particular, Sonya is disregarded by some characters because of being a prostitute, and Svidrigailov attempts to rape Dunya at work. This attitude shows that the females are perceived as objects, while they are not provided with equal treatment by males. This fact only reaffirms prevalence of social stereotypes in society when the novel was published, implying that most males did not recognize the rising importance of females in society, and possibly because of their fear of possible challenge to their power, or the belief that they were truly better. Following this fact, it should be noted that Dostoyevsky creates Dunya as more thoughtful and practical female person. The author shows her readiness to test her fiancé as well as he appraises her intention to stay stranded in St. Petersburg in case fiancé fails to satisfy her. Hence, Donya is an example of rational and practical what was not common for other females.

The character of Sonya is a contradiction of the perceptions of societies to females because she ultimately performs the functions of men in society. Sonya is a very strong character because she is depicted as extremely determined and loyal to her family, and goes to the extent of becoming a prostitute to be able to support her family. Sonya’s loyalty to her family is further justified and proven because she would not need to sacrifice herself and become a prostitute if her father could overcome his heavy drinking issue. Furthermore, she is portrayed compassionate towards the people close to her because she puts aside her pure soul of religious commitments, and uses her body to earn money which all go to her family. Unlike her father who “I, her own father, took 30 kopecks of that money for a drink” she is not selfish and puts the needs of others before herself. Sonya is still willing to support her father even when he spends in all on alcohol and doesn’t acknowledge or is grateful for what she does for him. Hence representing Sonya as a strong, hard-working female that supports her family, in which is the opposite to traditional values of society because it is a woman that works to provide for her family, rather than a man. Moreover, her strong character is emphasised by the fact that her father, a selfish character, whom is supposed to be the one supporting their family, goes to buy himself a drink the second he gets money rather than help provide for his family.

Thus, showing that men cannot always ensure the wellbeing of their families and Sonya serves the role as a vivid feminine character that maintains the principles of patriarchy. In addition, Sonia is used by Dostoyevsky as reflection of the dreadfulness. He notes that she has to pass over different types of the challenges in order to exercise financial support to her family, while her father was not able to perform this function. Through the whole novel, readers watch that Sonya does not like her activity of being a “prostitute”. With that, she had to survive in her awful financial position. She feels responsible for her family and the author appraises this feature of character. Hence, Sonya experiences extreme poverty with quite deep suffering. All feelings and struggles of this female character are described in the next statement: “The State Councillor fails to “pay her for the half-dozen holland shirts she sewed…And so the little ones go hungry” (Dostoevsky 15). With that, her character is described by the author as “humiliates, crushed and defeated (Dostoyevsky 20). Moreover, Dostoyevsky criticizes poor state of affairs around Sonya with a scene where she is concerned with sitting close to Dunya and Pulcheria. He notes: “She practically trembled from fright, and glanced timidly at both ladies. She obviously did not herself understand how it came about that she was allowed to sit beside them. As she thought about it she became so appalled she suddenly stood up again” (Dostoevsky 228).

Dostoevsky criticises social stereotypes further because she is a proof of forgiveness, compassion and arguably Raskolnikov’s redemption. Despite the fact that Sonya is horrified of Raskolnikov’s actions, she cares more about his mental well-being and feels obliged to take care of Raskolnikov, even when she was intimidated by him. Instead of criticising Raskolnikov for his actions, she helps him put his mind to ease because before the confession his mind was going crazy. Prior to Sonya’s advice, Raskolnikov was stuck between his rational thoughts, that believed he had every right to murder the pawn broker because “certain extraordinary people’s actions were not immoral” and society would have benefited from his actions because Raskolnikov believed she was a louse. However, his moral thoughts believed that nihilism and the belief that nothing was immoral caused people to perform such acts and that every individual has an idea of actions are right or wrong. Due to Sonya’s great ability to understand others, she distinguishes what is going through his mind, and convinces him to confess because the guilt he holds for committing the murder is only hurting himself and the people that love him. At first, Raskolnikov fails to confess, however it is the sight of Sonya that finally gets him to confess. This shows that it is not the suspicion from the police, nor his emotional turmoil that causes people around him like Razumihin to question he is okay, but instead it is the sight of Sonya that finally pushes him to confess his actions. Thus, showing that Sonya is the beginning of his redemption that finally brings his mind to rest. Hence empowering the status of women because it shows the importance of female support to their loved ones, and wait for a better attitude from their men by supporting them without disregard or affiliation. At the same time, it should be noted that Dostoyevsky undermines lack of confidence in Sony’s actions: “The beautiful look on Dunia’s face when she had bowed to her with such consideration and respect at the time they had first met at Raskolnikov’s, had remained in her mind ever since as one of the most beautiful and most unattainable visions of her life” (Dostoevsky 496).

In conclusion about the role of females in the novel “Crime and Punishment”, one should agree that women pass through the period of personal development through the source of the book. Females catch attention of the readers by revealing different social themes. With the help of gender roles of the novel, Dostoyevsky addresses scope of love, division of powers between males and females, effects of poverty and several other issues. Therefore, Crime and Punishment is a novel about moral values and principles.

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