
Criminal Justice

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1. The United States Criminal Justice System presumes that cases that have had a firearm involved have to have an expert, who will be able to testify and shed light on the nature of the firearm itself and the peculiarities about it and the case that are relevant to the case. These people are recognized professionals and are asked to give their credible opinion on the matter. It is crucial to select a person, who has unquestionable expertise in the field in order to give their statement and conclusion, since their decision will have an impact on at least one life, sometimes more.

2. Daubert Trilogy refers to the three cases held by the Supreme Court of the United States, which have served as the basis for the creation of the Daubert standard. The trilogy consists of three cases, namely: Daubert, Joiner and Kumho Tire. Daubert standard provides regulation regarding the admissibility of certain evidence as well as the testimony of the expert witness. These regulation have been adopted known as the Daubert standard, however, many courts interpret it as instructions, not necessarily the law, thus, not all courts follow it. Some courts follow the Daubert Standard partially when it comes to testing the evidence for admissibility. (Bernstein & Jackson, 2004)

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3. In the face of the law, death causes are determined and split into four categories:
a. Natural Causes – The most simple and common cause of death. Occurs when a body can no longer function properly, due to a disease or simply because a person is elderly and the body cannot sustain itself anymore. Death by natural causes is determined by a medical professional, if not obvious.
b. Homicide – a type of death, which occurs when one individual purposefully and consciously takes a life of another person, while trying to escape punishment. Is determined by the forensic examiners, most often at the crime scene.
c. Accidental Death – this type of death suggests that the life of an individual has ended due to some unforeseen circumstances, either due to the fact that they were involved in some kind of dangerous activity or doing something that would put them at the risk of death. It is determined after examining the nature of the accident and the circumstances under which the death took place.
d. Suicide – a purposeful and intentional taking of an individuals own life. it is classified so in order to show that there was nobody else involved and the death was caused by an individual himself. It is also determined by professionals after investigating the circumstances and evidence. (Claridge, 2016)

  • Bernstein, D., & Jackson, J. (2004). The Daubert Trilogy in the States. Jurimetrics, 44. Retrieved from http://ssrn.com/abstract=498786
  • Claridge, J. (2016). The Four Manners of Death. Exploreforensics.co.uk. Retrieved 24 March 2016, from http://www.exploreforensics.co.uk/the-four-manners-of-death.html

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