
Critical Analysis of “The War and the Words”

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“The War and the Words” by Charles Krauthammer (2007) was written for the purpose of bringing attention to the ludicrous use of words and word choices within the most recent, for the time, National Intelligence Estimate. This particular discussion leads on to the issues that were present, at the time of the article, regarding the current usages of words in order to express displeasure without ever identifying an alternative solution, or taking a stance in any way other than to debate the merit of the use of a particular word in a given situation (Krauthammer, 2007). The basic premise of Krauthammer”s article is that the “battle over words is…entirely irrelevant to what is happening” (2007).

While Krauthammer”s article brings attention to an issue that has become an even greater issue as the years have gone by, the unfortunate fact of the matter is that in spite of the positive attempt this article makes in order to bring attention to a national issue of concern, the article itself does not complete the steps that it requests of others. Krauthammer”s article demands that others stop trying to determine the best word to most actively convey dissention and puts out a call to action for those same individuals to actively take a stand against the items that they are attempting to find the right words with which to express their dissent. Krauthammer concludes his article (2007) by stating that the Senate “might consider putting such a debate on their agenda” instead of taking an active stance himself. If Krauthammer believed in this cause as ardently as he appears to within his article, shouldn”t he conclude his article with a recommended course of definitive action, for while the author may believe that his form of action was writing to make individuals aware of the situation and current (at the time) state of the country and the political issues that they were facing, the truth of the matter is that words, as Krauthammer pointed out, are “entirely irrelevant” (2007). If words then are no longer effective, the next step forward is action, but the article fails to offer a form of action in order to address the concern, indicating that the article, like the other concerns outlined within the article, are ineffective at best.

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Krauthammer”s premise is sound, but in order for him to be able to stand on the counterpoints of his argument the article should have concluded with additional information, such as a section urging individuals to contact their representatives, providing information on how to do so, and explaining what sentiments they could attempt to convey, as suggestions, for when they do contact their representatives in regard to the matter at hand.

Krauthammer”s article brings up valid points, it is true, but words are just words without intent and action behind them. Something must drive the words into motion, and something must be present in order to spur a change in the manner in which things are done. What Krauthammer has in insight into a major issue, one that has grown even larger in society in this day and age, he lacks in the ability to back up his premise, to support his thesis, and to follow through with his idea, leaving the populace no better off than they were prior to their review of his article and commentary regarding the current political state of the nation. It must be said that if Krauthammer had simply taken that one additional step, his article would be a stellar example of quality writing, with an identification of an issue, backing up the issue with supporting facts, and a potential solution to the issue; however, as it stands, the article is half done, and an example of what not to do to prove a point.

  • Krauthammer, Charles. “The War and the Words.” Washington Post. The Washington Post, 09 Feb. 2007. Web. 02 Feb. 2014. .

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