
Cyber Terrorism

398 words | 2 page(s)

I. Introduction

A. An overview of cyberterrorism, development, current situation concerning cyber terrorism and efforts made to counter it (Jarvis & Macdonald, 2014).
1. Define technological terms.
2. Discuss the forms of cyberterrorism.
3. The general effects of cyberterrorism and efforts to minimize cyberterrorism.

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B. THESIS: The impact of cyber-attacks and possible measures to address cyber terrorism is a modern type of warfare.

II. Cyber terrorism.
A. How the cyber terrorists operate to cause harm or pose threats (Vasenin, 2013).
1. Taking advantage of inherent features.
2. Use of encrypted emails to evade intelligence trackers.

B. The vulnerabilities cyber terrorist pose (Gross, Canetti, & Vashdi, 2016).
1. Dependence on information systems- the infrastructure and economy dependent on real-time communication systems are exposed to intrusion or destruction.
2. The impact of cyberterrorism on military operations.

C. The characteristics of cyber-attacks (Macdonald, Jarvis, & Nouri, 2015)
1. Anonymity of the perpetrators.
2. Quick development of technology.
3. Lack of boundaries.
4. Use of sophisticated and automated methods.

III. Initiatives put in place to address cyber terrorism
A. The use of international initiatives (Fidler, 2016).
1. The European Union.
2. The G8 Ten-Point Action Plan.

B. Initiatives by European nations (Korstanje, 2017).
1. Italy
2. Britain
3. France
4. Germany

IV. Strategies and mechanisms to address the issue of cyber terrorism.
A. Defense against cyber-attacks (Gross, Canetti, & Vashdi, 2017).
1. Protection
2. Deterrence
3. Prevention

B. Formulation of strategies by national security- to provide an orderly and intelligent manner of fighting cyber terrorism as per the biblical worldview whereby one of the principles states that intelligence, truth and order in the universe were established by God.
1. Setup of cyberterrorism response team.
2. Training and security awareness on cyberterrorism (Matusitz, 2014).
3. Legislative Support.

V. Conclusion
A. Snalytical summary
1. cyber terrorism.
2. Initiatives are undertaken to address cyber terrorism
3. Strategies and mechanisms to address the issue of cyber terrorism.

B. Restating the thesis.
C. making the conclusion statement.

  • Fidler, D. P. (2016). Cyberspace, terrorism and international law. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 21(3), 475-493. doi:10.1093/jcsl/krw013.
  • Gross, M. L., Canetti, D., & Vashdi, D. R. (2016). The psychological effects of cyber terrorism. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 72(5), 284-291. doi:10.1080/00963402.2016.1216502.
  • Gross, M. L., Canetti, D., & Vashdi, D. R. (2017). Cyberterrorism: Its effects on psychological well-being, public confidence and political attitudes. Journal of Cybersecurity. doi:10.1093/cybsec/tyw018
  • Jarvis, L., & Macdonald, S. (2014). What is cyberterrorism? findings from a survey of researchers. Terrorism and Political Violence, 27(4), 657-678. doi:10.1080/09546553.2013.847827
  • Korstanje, M. (2017). Threat mitigation and detection of cyber warfare and terrorism activities. Advances in Information Security, Privacy, and Ethics. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-1938-6

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