
Data Security And Privacy

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Currently, technological advancements have rendered the world a global village. Technologies such as networks, Internet, and Skype have facilitated real-time communication between people located in different places. However, these transformations have been associated with positive and adverse implications. On the positive side, companies utilize technological trends such as robotics to enhance efficiency and performance leading to increased profitability. As well, according to Chang & Ramachandran (2016), use of email, Skype, and social media platforms are considered effective communication and marketing strategies in business. On the downside, data security and privacy have been crucially compromised. Several companies, governments, and individuals have felled victims of data insecurity and violation of privacy. As such, the report focuses on the emerging trends and technologies in the field of data security and privacy.

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Definition of Data Security and Privacy Terms
Pathan (2016) explains that Data Security and Privacy represents the digital privacy measures that protect data and computer systems from misuse and abuse. In this case, these data security measures prohibit illegal or unauthorized access to information. Therefore, it is imperative to note that data security does not only cover the security of the data but also computers, databases, and computer systems. The other terms that are utilized to mean data security include information security and computer security. Currently, organizations are striving towards ensuring that their information is secured from unauthorized access whether internally or externally.

According to Ward & Peppard (2016) data privacy is also called information privacy. In an organization or individual setting, there is data that is considered as private and confidential. In this case, such data is not supposed to be exposed or accessed by an unauthorized party.

Data encryption is the process of coding data to be transmitted into a unique code that is only understood by the sender and intended receiver. The receiver of this information that is encrypted has a key or code referred to as decryption key. Thus, in a case of wiretapping or hacking the hacker will not be in a position to comprehend the meaning of the information.

In symmetric encryption, the same decryption code is used to convert data to be transferred into plaintext and later decrypted by the receiver. Chang & Ramachandran (2016) states that Advanced Encryption Standard is the most commonly used algorithm for symmetric encryption. AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 are the three block ciphers that are utilized in encrypting classified information to SECRET level. TOP SECRET classified information primarily used in military and nuclear sectors requires the use of AES-192, AES-256 cipher blocks only.

On the other hand, asymmetric encryption utilizes two different keys for encryption and decryption purposes. One of the most commonly used and practical asymmetrical algorithm is Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA).

Conferring to Ward & Peppard (2016), hashing is another crucial function in data security and privacy apart from cryptography and encryption. The hash algorithms return value based on the data or file altered in a computer system. Useful hash algorithms allow the calculation of the initial data input. Some of the most commonly utilized hash algorithms today include SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512.

What Has Facilitated The Emerging Trends And Technologies In Data Security And Privacy?
Pathan (2016) maintains that it is imperative to note that computer crimes currently are on the rise across the globe. There are increased cases of illegal selling of company data and unauthorized access to personal data. As such, companies and employees have recognized the need to protect their private and confidential information.

Tucker (2014) asserts that the current technologies such as social media networks have presented organizations with new challenges revolving around data communication capabilities. As a result, new technologies ensure that companies ensure that they keep their data secure from destruction, accidental damage, theft, and espionage. As well, these transformations ensure that salaries, medical information, bank details, and social security numbers are kept private.

Trends and Emerging Technologies in Data Security and Privacy
Digital devices and BYOD is one of the most crucial issues currently. Bring Your Own Device is a new technology whereby employees can work from home using their own devices such as smartphones. Payton & Claypoole (2014) reveals that by 2018, the number of professionals using smartphones to conduct their work will have risen to 70%. This has two crucial implications namely increased efficiency in the workplace and greater security risks. As such, current organizations are facing challenges of maintaining ownership of their information. This is mainly because with BYOD, company information that may be vital sits on devices that are outside the organization.

One way in which organizations are responding to this challenge is by installing software that monitors all the actions of the employee remotely on the device. However, the controversy lies on whether such software collects employee’s private data such as communication with friends and family. Data security and privacy professionals have come up with the issue of partitioning as an amicable solution to this challenge. It allows the employee to store company data and personal information in different partitions.

Payton & Claypoole (2014) verifies that social media is another current trend and technology that substantially entails data security and privacy challenges. The advantage with social media is that it has changed how companies, customers, employees, and other business stakeholders communicate. As well, companies use social media as a marketing strategy. Thus, organizations need to be careful when using social media to collect data and information. They need to ensure that they protect and respect the privacy of the social media users. In addition to the above, these sites can be used by hackers and other malicious people to send viruses to the organization computers.

Based on Tucker (2014) the best way to solve the loss of data is to ensure that companies backup data and also have disaster recovery plans. Backups are used when the company encounters security challenges such as virus infection of severe system failures. Disaster recovery planning ensures that the right procedures are implemented to be followed in case of tragic data loss and security violation.

In response to the increasing security issues and privacy violations, there are various polices which have been formulated. One of the most common is Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) offers protection for the purpose of protecting the privacy of student education records. The other one is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that protects privacy and security of personal health information. All these policies are aimed at ensuring that data security and privacy is enhanced across the globe.

  • Chang, V., & Ramachandran, M. (2016). Towards achieving data security with the cloud computing adoption framework. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 9(1), 138-151.
  • Pathan, A. S. K. (Ed.). (2016). Security of self-organizing networks: MANET, WSN, WMN, VANET. CRC press.
  • Payton, T., & Claypoole, T. (2014). Privacy in the age of big data: Recognizing threats, defending your rights, and protecting your family. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Tucker, C. E. (2014). Social networks, personalized advertising, and privacy controls. Journal of Marketing Research, 51(5), 546-562.
  • Ward, J., & Peppard, J. (2016). The Strategic Management of Information Systems: Building a Digital Strategy. John Wiley & Sons.

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