
Democracy In Argentina, Finland And China

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In terms of the representation of democracy in Argentina, Finland and China, the scores are marginally different, with Argentina representing a normal level of free between the two more extreme cases of Finland and Uzbekistan. The evaluations of democracy that are utilized to make this study are based around two different measurements being the “Freedom in the World” measurement by Freedom House and the “Polity IV” tests that are administered by Systemic Peace. According to both of these sources, Finland represents a country among the most democratically represented countries in the world. Argentina is typically above average, ranging in around the top 80 per cent of nations with China being either the lowest ranked in the world or among the lowest rating.

According to Freedom House, Finland is one of the three most free countries in the entire world, the other two being Norway and Sweden. All three of these countries have a score of 100, out of 100. There is another standard metric which is utilized, which has three scores: Political Rights, Civil Liberties and Freedom Rating. Finland has a score of 1 in all three categories, which represents the most free that a country can be on a scale of 1 to 7. By comparison, Argentina has a collective score of 79 which stands above the average globally. The country also ranks around 2 in each category, which stands as very high by comparison. Statistically, Uzbekistan is at the exact opposite of Finland. The country ranks at possibly one of the worst countries in the world in terms of representation of freedom. It has a score of 3 out of 100, with 7’s across the board in each individual ranking. This qualifies it as one of the significantly worst countries according to the “Freedom in the World” chart.

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According the Polity IV chart on the Systemic Peace web site, there are many similarities for how each country is rated. In the “democ” column, which collectively identifies a country’s capacity for representing democratic tendencies, Argentina is ranked at an 8 out of 10, which places it statistically higher than many other countries in the world. In terms of “autoc,” which quantifies a country’s level of autocracy, Argentina ranks at a 0. The polity2 ranking which is used to designate the overall political representation of democracy and freedom among countries ranks Argentina at approximately an 8, which is again higher than many other nations in the world. In these respective categories, Finland ranks at the highest in the world for both “democ” and the overall “polity2” at a 10 in each respective category. For the “autoc” category, Finland has a representative 0 listed. This stands in stark contrast to Uzbekistan in many ways, which ranks at a 9 overall in the “autoc” category, while simultaneously ranking at 0 in “democ” and a -9 in “polity2.”

According to these charts, it is evident that Argentina is among one of the more democratically represented nations in the world. Since 2000, shown consistent democratic representation, starting at a 1.5 overall on the Freedom Rating which has progressed to around a 2 in 2015. In 2000, Argentina was placed at a 8 in terms of democracy and a 0 in terms of autocracy, while maintaining an 8 on the Polity IV scale, which is indicative of a largely democratic state. These numbers increased by around 1 in 2015. Finland has maintained many of the same statistics throughout history, having exhibited a 1on the Freedom Rating in 2000, and consistently remaining the same since then. The country has also exhibited 10s on the democracy scale since 2000. Uzbekistan has remained at around a 9 in terms autocracy since its conception in 2000 through to 2015, as well as remaining at an overall of -9 in terms of “polity2.” These two charts were rather informative of trends in terms of global democratic approaches and the advancements of democracy.

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