
Descriptive Essay About My Mother

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My mother passed away after my 16th birthday. Her sudden death brought me to my knees with the most heart wrenching and painful surprise of my life. I felt devastated and utterly hopeless and alone. I did not want to speak to or see anyone for months. I cried endlessly for days, and sometimes I would even blame God for taking her away from me. She was not just the person who gave me life, she was the person who loved me the most. Before her passing, I could have never imagined that she would leave me by myself and take a part of me along with her. I always thought that she was always going to be there for me for the important events in my life like attending my college graduation, helping me pick my wedding dress, and meeting my future children, but life does not always turn out as we hope and imagine. Today my mother might not be here with me physically, but the memories of the extraordinary human being she was, will forever be in my heart.

My mother’s very name was as unique as her personality. Genesis was the eldest of ten children, and at five foot ten, she was willowy and as graceful as a ballerina. Her alabaster skin was in stark contrast to her thick, waist length raven black hair. She had deep set, piercing coal black eyes that she never mired with makeup. The eyes are said to be the windows of the soul, and I felt like I was looking directly into hers each time she fixed those eyes on me. To say she was a strikingly beautiful woman is definitely an understatement. She was super model perfect in both her carriage outward appearance, but yet she never acted haughty or took advantage of her looks. She married my father when she seventeen, and two years later became pregnant with her first child-me. One day I asked her if she ever regretted marrying and having children at such a young age while simultaneously working so hard to balance her life between her family and law school. She gazed at me for a moment and seemed to measure her words before she spoke. “I wouldn’t change a thing about my past, because if I did, maybe you would not have been around today in my life,” she said. I still remember that moment in startlingly clarity, for it went to the very heart of who she was-a giving, loving woman who lived life to the fullest without ever looking in the rear view window.

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Genesis was more than just a phenomenally gorgeous woman. She was extremely smart. In fact, she was so smart that she was accepted to law school at Oxford University. Her very personality in the courtroom was a marvel to behold. Her calm and patience made her both a wonderful mother and a top notch litigator. Fellow lawyers were afraid of her in the courtroom because she never yelled, never lost control, and would patiently wait for just the right moment to deliver a death blow to the opposing attorney’s case. She used those obsidian eyes to her advantage, and jurors and witnesses alike found it extremely difficult to ignore her.

Her smile was like a lit candle shinning in a dark room, and she smiled frequently. In fact, her favorite saying was, “Life is too short to be angry, so let’s just have fun.” Fun was never in short supply around Genesis. She took an ordinary event and turned it into something extraordinary. She was a strong collective woman, a planner who worked very hard like a honeybee stockpiling the honeycomb with reserves anticipating a cold, harsh winter.

My mother was a beautiful woman, both inside and out. It sounds trite to say that, but Genesis was anything but trite. She is my role model and her influence is still felt by the ones whose lives she touched. She was, and still is, the most influential person in my life to the point that I will follow in her footsteps and become a lawyer. The memories of the amazing and loving human being she was will forever be in my heart.

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