
Do You Know How to Succeed in College?

657 words | 3 page(s)

Although college can be challenging, there are way to ensure success. The main factor in doing well in college is not simply being smart, but rather using time effectively. Although assignments may be difficult, using time to make sure one is prepared and able to study can make even the most difficult assignments or exams more manageable. Therefore, effective time management is the main skill that can truly make a difference between success or failure at the college level.

The main evidence that supports this claim is that most assignments at the undergraduate level are designed to be passable. No assignment is supposed to be too hard, where no amount of study will cause one to get a good grade. Although certain people will be more inclined toward one subject or another, such as English majors having difficulty in mathematics, spending time actually studying a subject can often lead to success. The reasons people tend to fail classes is because they are unprepared, due to a lack of time, or uninterested and not motivated to succeed, and therefore putting in a lack of preparation and time. Whenever the majority of students do poorly on a test, they often wish they had studies longer. In other words, they dd not fail because they were unintelligent, but rather because they did not commit enough time to studying. They did not make an efficient use of their time.

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Doing poorly on exams is not the only way that people can fail classes. The other reason people do poorly in college is because they do miss assignments altogether, or stop attending. Missing assignments will often mean a grade will automatically drop, because there is usually a no-late policy in college courses. A missed assignment is an automatic F. Missing classes will drop a grade, even if the professor does not take attendance, because missing class means missing any notes that might be useful for a test. This creates a problem where missing notes will result in doing poorly on exams. In both instances, the problems are created because the student did not dedicate enough time. There may be understandable excuses; for instance, the student may be missing classes because he or she also has to work a full-time job. In this case, however, the result of being too busy will still result in poor grades. Even if the student is not goofing off and being productive in other areas of life, not spending enough time on college will mean one does not do well in college.

In order to do well in college, one should therefore learn how to more effectively manage one’s time. This can be simple, such as turning down a friend one or two nights a week to catch up on doing homework. However, in more complicated cases, there may be a need to think about how to save time in other areas. A student may very reasonably need a full time job in order to help pay for school, especially if he or she does not have parents helping with tuition. In this case, the basic issue is money. College is unfortunately expensive, so the student will need to explore how to either make more money, by seeking a different job; or if this is not possible, how to save on money so he or she can work less. This might mean giving up a social life altogether, or riding a bicycle to class instead of driving a car. It might even mean staying at home instead of renting an apartment. Sacrifices do have to be made sometimes, but this is what it takes to do well in college.

By devoting enough time to studying, one can often succeed in college, even if the subject is difficult. Certain classes will naturally be more advanced than others, so will require more time. But if enough time is spent, and time is managed well, one can succeed in college.

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