
Effects of Fat in Diets

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Diet is a very essential entity in human lives. This is because human diet defines the type of food that an individual takes. Human beings gave the responsibility of ensuing that the food they take has the correct qualitative vales for their bodies. Fats is one of the most common food substances (Nutr, 2004). Fats are compounds that are organic in nature and their major constitution is oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. There are various forms of fats that include both the unsaturated and saturated fatty acids available in food substances. Having a lot of fats in the diet is very detrimental to human health and it is associated with various side-effects.

Fats have very levels of calories for the bodies (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 2004). Therefore, the intake of high amounts of fats into the body makes the victims take high amounts of calories that are twice as much as the calories acquired from carbohydrates and proteins. Mots people prefer the foods that have high levels of fats because they perceive the foods to be satiating in their tastes. However, consistent intake of the foods leads to the accumulation of calories in the body which are then deposited in various parts of the body as fats. The resultant effect is the gaining of weight for the victims which is detrimental to their health.

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High fats in food are associated with various digestive challenges. This is because high intake of the fats in food limits the intake of healthy food substances rich in fiber like natural grains and fruits. The healthy food substances play an elemental role towards the maintenance of the digestive system because of their food value and their natural compositions. Therefore, a high intake of fats can make an individual experience high levels of bloating that can easily lead to constipation. Therefore, the nature of the fats leads to unhealthy situations because they reduce the quality of life through the digestive discomforts they cause.

The nature of the fats makes its excessive intake to lead to various challenges on the physiological setup of human beings. This is because the fats can reduce the level of metabolism in human beings which is caused by the nature of their components (Medical News Today, 2014). One of the practical effects of fats includes causing ketosis. The facts makes the body to have a very slow rate of metabolism which leads to ketosis as result of their ability to cause massive wasting. Therefore, a slow rate of metabolism hinders the breakdown of food substances in the body including the fats making is very difficult for a victim to lose weight.

High intake of fats is associated with organ malfunctions in human beings. This is because most of the fats that are taken in excess into the bodies of human beings are deposited in various parts of the body. Depositing these fats in the major body organs reduces the quality of the life of an individual (NHS, 2014). This is because these organs cannot operate well when subjected to these conditions because they strain in their operational and functional capabilities which leads to hindering of the associated body processes. Some of organs and organ system that are affected by the fat deposits include hearts, liver, lungs and kidneys.

High levels of fat intake is associated with numerous chronic and severe health conditions. The human body has various types of responses to a high intake of the fats through food (Benjamin, 2014). The accumulation of weight in human beings is likely to lead to obesity. Extreme levels of obesity limits the ability of the body to perform major physiological processes because of the limitations on the normal operation of the body and the organ systems. Some of the most common medical conditions associated with obesity include depression. The condition generates very high level of stress in the body that affect the psychological configuration of the human beings (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 2004). Obesity can also strain the ability of the heart to pump the blood to all parts of the body because the fat deposits limit the working of the blood vessels (Medical News Today, 2014). Obesity is also associated with massive breathing difficulties on the victims which is very dangerous and it can lead to fatal problems in extreme situations if proper corrective measures are not applied in good time. High levels of fats is associated with heart attacks, cancer, inflammation and diabetes in the victims which are severe conditions (Benjamin, 2014).

High intake of fats has extreme effects on the level on the psychological configurations of the victim. The action of the brains is enhanced through glucose and carbohydrates that provide energy for the operations of the mind (Davies & Smith, 2007). However, the presence of fats in the food restricts the ability of carbohydrates to supply the required amount of energy to the brain and thus limiting its actions. The resultant effect of the condition is light headedness among the victims which leads to difficulties in concentrating and performing any duties.

Therefore, the intake of fats is very high in the world today. This has been accelerated by various predisposing factors that surround human beings that make them be at a high risk of taking food substances with very levels of energy in the fats (Medical News Today, 2014). However, the nature of the fats exposes human beings to various challenges that affect the social, psychological and economic cycles of people through exposing people to extreme medical conditions. Therefore, there is an urgent need to regulate the amount of fat that is taken up by human beings as a practical way of enhancing dignity to humanity and improving the quality of life.

  • Nutr, E.J. (2004). What are Health Effects of Fats? National Center for Biotechnology Information. Available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15052493
  • NHS, (2014). Fat: the Facts. NHS Government Publication. Available at http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/Fat.aspx
  • Davies, L.J. & Smith, M. (2007). The Impact of Weight in the Human Body. WebMD Publication. Available at http://www.webmd.com/diet/impact-of-weight-on-your-body
  • Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, (2004). Analysis of Problems Associated with High-Fat food Substances. Available at http://www.pcrm.org/health/reports/analysis-of-health-problems-associated-with-high
  • Benjamin, D. (2014). The Risk of High-fat Diets. Live strong Publications. Available at http://www.livestrong.com/article/249377-the-risks-of-high-fat-diets/
  • Medical News Today, (2014). Effects of fats on Human Beings. Medical News Today Publication.

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