
Eliminating Plastic Bags

978 words | 4 page(s)

The use of plastic bags as provided by grocery stores and other retailers are commonplace and are used for convenience and ease of transmission of items from the store to the home environment. However, these plastic bags pose a serious threat to the environment because they are able to travel far distances and land in bodies of water, where they pollute the water and become toxic to the fish and other creatures that live there and threaten their lives (Californians Against Waste, 2015). In an era where environmental issues have increased exponentially, it is important for consumers to recognize their responsibility to be proactive in preserving their surroundings as best as possible. This requires a commitment to supporting activities that may influence positive outcomes that support environmental safety and sustainability. Of the approximately 20 billion plastic bags that are used annually, only five percent are recycled, and even with this practice, their makeup wreaks havoc on recycling equipment in different ways (Californians Against Waste, 2015).

The problem of plastic bags was brought to the attention of lawmakers in the State of California, as the expansive coastline was affected by this form of waste, thereby initiating regulations to limit the use of these items. Regulations regarding the use of plastic bags have been in place, but not without the objections of manufacturers who are in conflict with environmental activists regarding their use and value (Calefati, 2016). However, regulatory requirements to govern plastic bag use are critical in supporting environmental awareness and overall public safety. The proposed solution to this problem is to support Proposition 67, which will continue to expand upon a resolution established in 2014 to repeal the use of thinner plastic bags and to charge 10 cents for paper or heavier plastic bags at the checkout and to ensure that plastic bag use is significantly minimized in the State of California (Calefati, 2016).

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The role of plastic bags in today’s environment often creates devastating consequences over long periods of time, as these bags become waste and quickly flood bodies of water and create toxic conditions (Californians Against Waste, 2015). This reflects the importance of developing strategies to improve the surrounding environment and to make it less safe for all wildlife as well as human life. It is necessary for residents of the State of California to consider the impact of the current proposition to ban plastic bags in grocery stores and other retailers and to acknowledge that there are numerous benefits to maintaining this regulation to minimize the risk of toxic bodies of water and to have a positive impact on the environment as a whole. By voting yes on Proposition 67 in the upcoming November election, it will be possible to save significant dollars that are currently spent on repairing recycling equipment and other costs and to ensure that plastic bags do not impact the environment at a high level (California Secretary of State, 2016).

It is important to acknowledge that the use of plastic bags has been an environmental issue for many decades, and it is the responsibility of states and local communities to take the necessary steps to preserve the environment by banning their use. The proposition enacted in 2014 represented a positive step towards this ban and was designed to facilitate positive results in preserving the state’s water supply and its marine life (Calefati, 2016). The safety of the Pacific Ocean is of particular risk for people living in California and in other states because this ocean is experiencing different problems that must be addressed through a shift in human behavior and in other characteristics that will have a significant impact on the water supply and different forms of life who live in the ocean.

Another issue of critical importance is the role of plastic bags in causing damage to recycling equipment, as well as the space that they consume in landfills; the former is of particular interest because it captures the need for additional evaluations of plastic bag recycling and how it often has a negative impact on the industry because of bag construction and the materials which comprise these bags. As a result, the elimination of plastic bags which are of a thinner variety, may contribute to cost savings over time by minimizing the damage that different pieces of equipment are likely to sustain when they perform this function. Therefore, the use of these plastic bags should be significant limited under all circumstances and requires the use of consumer-based knowledge and advocacy in order to adhere to the laws and regulations that have been established.

Organizations who manufacture plastic bags have placed significant pressure on California lawmakers and environmental advocates to eliminate the plastic bag ban throughout the state, as this is the primary source of revenue. In this context, it is likely that organizations will continue to value revenue over the environment and will take the steps that are necessary to ensure that the use of these bags will continue for the foreseeable future. However, this reflects a number of challenges because of the damage that these bags cause for the environment and for recycling plants, including the equipment that is used within these facilities. As a result, California lawmakers, environmental advocates, and local residents across a variety of communities must continue to support the ban on plastic bags throughout the state and expand consumer knowledge regarding this rule. It is believed that the benefits to the environment and the ocean far outweigh any losses in revenue that may be incurred when plastic bag production is minimized or ceased altogether.

  • Calefati, J. (2016). California bag ban: voters to weigh industry’s fate at the ballot box. Retrieved from http://www.mercurynews.com/2016/09/16/california-bag-ban-voters-to-weigh-industrys-fate-at-the-ballot-box/
  • Californians Against Waste (2015). The problem with plastic bags. Retrieved from http://www.cawrecycles.org/the-problem-of-plastic-bags/
  • California Secretary of State (2016). Prop 67: Ban on single-use plastic bags: referendum. Retrieved from http://voterguide.sos.ca.gov/en/quick-reference-guide/67.htm

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