
Emotional Intelligence Explained

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Description of the event

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to gain some insights and manage individual emotions and those of people around you as a leader (Derue, Nahrgang, Wellmanv & Humphrey, 2011; Nahavandi, 2014). Notably, leaders with emotional intelligent know what they are feeling, what those feelings imply, and the emotions can affect people around them. According to Derue and colleagues (2011), emotional intelligent in characterized by self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. The event was held in SingTel, which is a large telecommunications company in Asia. Recently, the company worked with the Australian subdivision, Optus. In fact, the two run various different training and talent development project, where members participated. During the training, three-quarters of the events emphasized emotional intelligence training. It is notable that the trainers concentrated on the ways of tapping social and emotional skills, which are critical to negotiating for increased outcomes in the organization. After the training, nineteen percent improvement with regard to leadership engagement was realized. In addition, there was six percent increase regarding employee engagement and six percent increase in customer focus amongst the staff. Thus, there were remarkable changes after the events due to the application of emotional intelligence (Nahavandi, 2014).

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Emotional intelligence portrayed by leader(s) in the event
During the event, leaders demonstrated different emotional intelligence, which ultimately affected the outcomes of the event. First, most of them demonstrated self-awareness (Borkowski, Deckard, Weber, Padron & Luongo 2011; Laureate Education, Inc., 2012).). This was evident in the manner they talked, and sometimes they informed the other members that they too have weaknesses and strengths. Moreover, they rarely attacked others verbally because they regulated themselves. Things, such as stereotyping others and emotional decisions were not evident during the event. Another way in which they demonstrated emotional intelligence is through their motivation (Borkowski et al., 2011; Walden University: Online Writing Center, 2010). The leaders in the event were self-motivated and worked consistently towards achieving their objectives of the event. The training was typified by high-quality of their work, which was demonstrated by the mastery of the what they were training (Blake Mouton, Barnes & Greiner, 1964; Borkowski et al., 2011). The leaders demonstrated empathy, which is critical to successful team management. Sometimes they empathized with team members. This earned them respect and loyalty from team members.

Social skills were displayed, which are elements of emotional intelligent (Blake et al., 2011; Walden Writing Center, 2011). The leaders demonstrated effective communication skills by being ready to receive good or bad news and were enthusiastic about the new ideas that were contributed by the team leaders (Laureate Education, Inc., 2012). At some point, a conflict arose between two members, whereby one had judged the other’s idea, training that it was meaningless. The leaders who were involved in training solved the disagreement diplomatically, and they reached an amicable agreement. They set an example by being mentors with regard to the management of time. In this context, emotional intelligence was used to help the two members to develop new language, which was essential in explaining their behavior as well as acquiring new skills for managing it (Walden University: Online Writing Center, 2010; Walden Writing Center, 2011). The leaders emphasized the significance of understanding the value of each other’s contribution, despite the fact that it may seem meaningless and useless.

How emotional intelligence may have affected the final outcome of the event
It is worth to underscore that emotional intelligence was critical to the success of the training. This is supported by the fact it played many roles in ensuring that the training session was successful (Salmela, Eriksson & Fagerström, 2012). Evidently, the manner in which the leaders addressed the different teams was motivating. This is because they understood the effects of their emotions on the members (Walden University: Online Writing Center, 2011). Additionally, communication as a social skill was utilized in the right way, making leaders earn respect from the trainees. There was a demonstration of understanding regarding handling conflict among the trainees. This was the case because of the way a leader had solved an issue that had arisen between two members, which result from emotional intelligence (Salmela et al., 2012). As aforementioned, there was evidence of increased participation in the members and performance outcomes due to the utilization of emotional intelligence. Thus, it is recommended that leaders should acquire the emotional intelligence to lead the organizations in the right direction.

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  • Derue, D. S., Nahrgang, J. D., Wellman, N., & Humphrey, S. E. (2011). Trait and behavioral
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  • Nahavandi, A. (2014). The art and science of leadership (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
  • Salmela, S., Eriksson, K., & Fagerström, L. (2012). Leading change: A three-dimensional model
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