
Emphysema Genetic Tests And Treatment

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Emphysema is a chronic disease of the lung that is characterized by extremely enlargement of the lungs and in most cases will result into deaths if the condition is not promptly treated. In adverse situations, the disease will damage the lung cells resulting into malfunctioning in the breathing process. The enlargement in the lungs that is often manifested is as a result of the creation of air spaces in the lung that can be attributed to a number of causes. Individuals suffering from the disease often manifest struggles in the breathing process and will always be offered various kinds of medical support (Mahtab & Rahman, 2009). There a number of causes of the disease that will depend with an array of factors. Initially, life styles such as smoking tendencies tend to influence instances of the disease. At certain levels, the disease is regarded to be capable of being genetically acquired. Smoking is presented to be the major cause of the disease and persons suffering from the condition will be advised to reduce their smoking tendencies or quit completely (Chow & Chow, 2006). The paper will majorly focus on the tests undertaken in the course of administering various forms of treatments to the affected persons.

Condition of family histories
In a given lineage, there are a number of aspects that will be used in order to ascertain the instances that could result into the disease being witnessed in the family. Initially, heavy smoking attitudes among members of a given family will help in pronouncing the possibility of the condition being manifested. Secondly, recurring respiratory complications within the family will help in the information access that puts the lineage at high probability. In addition, weight loss is also presented as a possible sign that could help in determination of the probability of the disease being realized in a given family (Mahtab & Rahman, 2009).

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Testing of Emphysema
The testing procedures that will be adopted for the disease will vary with the level of ailments and the age of the patient. The testing of the disease, Emphysema, will involve an array of procedures that are tailored towards the realization of the high levels of validity in the tests and treatment measures to be adopted. Pulmonary function test will aid in the analysis programs. The test will be aimed at critical analysis of any measure that could result in the breathing difficulties (Mahtab & Rahman, 2009).
Chest X-ray: The test will be undertaken in order to examine the extent of the damage caused by the infection to the various tissues within the lung cells. Through X-ray tests, the best course of action in terms of the treatment measures to be adopted will be ascertained.
Computerized tomography: The test takes into consideration an array of X-ray coupled with computerized examinations that help in the determination the nature of the soft tissues. Through the test, the exact extent of the disease in the lungs will be ascertained hence necessary measures are initiated for the treatments.
Blood count: Through the test, the exact volumes of both the white and red blood cells within the blood. Owing to the fact that the disease, often compromises the quantity of the cells, it will be highly vital for the complete blood count test to be undertaken in regard to the treatment mechanisms to be assumed.
Pulmonary function tests: This will entail a series of different tests that targets to ascertain the functioning of the lungs in terms of the inflow and outflow of various gasses key in the breathing procedure.

The testing procedures will also entail the examination of the past lifestyle of the targeted persons in order to ascertain certain lifestyles that could; promote the realization of the disease among persons. Certain precautionary measures can be adopted at the testing stage hence curbing the gross conditions that could result in connection with the disease (Chow & Chow, 2006).

There are various mechanisms and procedures that can be adopted in the treatment of the condition, Emphysema, they include:
Bronchodilator: Owing to the breathing difficulties caused by the condition, the use of bronchodilator medications targets eliminating the various forms of obstructions within the lungs that cause the difficulties. The use of bronchodilator targets the respiratory airway in order to eliminate any forms of obstructions within the airway.
Steroids: The treatment measures can also assume the use of various forms of steroids that focuses on allowing ease in the breathing process. Various forms of inhalers can be administered in order to ease the breathing. In line with the administration of steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs can be offered to the patients to also promote the elimination of air molecules within the lungs.
Lung volume surgery: This treatment mechanism entails the reduction of the overall volume of the lung that is as a result of deposition of various foreign materials like air molecules, smoke, and other unwanted particles. Owing to tissue damage that the disease can cause to the lungs, carrying out lung volume surgery will also entail the elimination of various tissues that are damaged as a result of the condition. This treatment mechanism is often adopted in advanced stages of the disease (Chow & Chow, 2006).
 Lung Transplant: At advanced levels, medical practitioners will consider lung transplant as the last resort in strive to save the life of the patient. This will involve the implantation of a totally new lung organ in replacement with the damaged lung.

After effectively undertaking the testing procedures, treatment measures will be adopted in line with the level of the disease and the affected party. Initially, X- ray’s photos are required in order to further ascertain the presence of the disease. At adverse levels, patients with affected lungs will be exposed to infusion of alpha-1 antitrypsin that is realized from the blood plasma. Instances of liver transportation are adopted for patients that have totally compromised lungs caused by heavy smoking activities (Mahtab & Rahman, 2009). The treatment tendencies are often keenly taken into consideration in order to curb possible errors that could interfere with the bodily guards. In addition, treatment at advanced topics will involve taking blood tests in order to ascertain for normal conditions.

In line with the discussion presented, it is made evident that the disease is highly chronic and, therefore, the need for adoption of various pertinent measures to help in the testing and treatment activities (Chow & Chow, 2006).

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