
Ethics and Christian Worldviews

1702 words | 6 page(s)

Everyone has a moral responsibility to the less fortunate. This is because society is only great, based upon helping these individuals to learn to support themselves and have the skills necessary to sustain a comfortable standard of living. In many cases, the less fortunate will often look at the situation in their environment and feel as if no cares about them. When this happens, they will engage in activities that are illegal and make societal problems even worse. If caring people reach out to them, they will have more resources and support to overcome these challenges. This is when they will make the right choices to live more empowering lives by having a greater sense of values. (Chaffe, 2012)

In the case of the discount retail chain, they are at a crossroads. This is occurring with the company having specific policies that ban the use of child labor and sweatshops at third party providers. Their situation is compounded by the fact that a celebrity stakeholder is receiving bad publicity from these practices. In response, the firm has visited the plant and questioned the manager. He claims that if they were to close, these workers would have no way to survive. This is because they have limited education and their jobs at the plant are the only thing they have. If the company ended its contract, this will result in them turning to illicit activities (i.e. begging, drugs and prostitution) to survive. The challenge is weighing these different interests in order to benefit everyone.

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How can this issue be addressed from a Christian worldview? In other words, what guidance from a Biblical perspective could be applied to understand and possibly resolve the dilemma?

From a Christian perspective, the issue can be addressed by taking a balanced perspectives of the conflicting interests. This means that the firm must examine their situation and understand the impact it is having on everyone. The best way that this can be achieved is to look for an alternative third party provider. This will be used as leverage with the current manufacturer to encourage them to change their practices. At the same time, the company can demand higher wages, better working conditions and more benefits. This will increase their costs. However, it will deal with the concerns expressed by celebrities, human rights activists, the workers and the community. Under theological concepts, these practices will produce the best results by taking into consideration everyone’s needs and creating a win – win situation. In many ways, this is what Christianity is about and why it encourages having sense of tolerance and understanding. (Holy Bible, 2007)

For example, virtue ethics is focused on analyzing the character of the individual to determining if they are acting morally correct. It is one of the foundations that help to guide the individual and prevent them from engaging in actions for the benefits of themselves or a specific group. Instead, it is concentrating on supporting the greater good within society. This is taking place by engaging in actions that will achieve these overall objectives. (Pojman & Tramel, 2009)

According to Aristotle, those who are moral will embrace a number of concepts to follow the larger standards of morality. The most notable include: temperance, prudence, courage and justice. Temperance is when the person will have a sense of restraint and understanding for those around them. This means that they will not be judgmental of others and listen to what they have to say. Prudence is when an individual can govern their own lives using moderation and maintaining a sense of objectivity. This enables them to have greater amounts of balance and understanding. (Pojman & Tramel, 2009)

Courage is when a person has the ability to confront fear, danger, uncertainty, intimidation and pain. This can be applied socially, as they will stand up for what they believe in by supporting the position they think is morally correct. While others, may ridicule them or directly threaten this individual with violence / intimidation. Justice is seeking out a sense of equality for everyone based upon ensuring that someone is treated fairly regardless of their standing in society. The combination of these factors is utilized to create a sense of virtues that will guide the individual during this process. This is used as foundation for helping the person to understand and react to the world around them in a way that is empowering other people and society. Taking a balanced approach between these conflicting interests will help the company to create win – win situations. This is when they are living up to larger Christian values and practices. (Pojman & Tramel, 2009)

  • Bornstein, D. (2010). Social Entrepreneurship. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Chaffe, J. (2012). Thinking Critically. Boston, MA: Wadsworth.
  • Ferry, L. (2011). A Brief History of Thought. New York, NY: Harper.
  • Holy Bible. (2007). New International Version. Lebanon, TN: The Giddeons.
  • Loisy, A. (1912). The Gospel and the Church. New York, NY: Charles Scriber.
  • Neusner, J. (2009). World Religions In America. Westminster: John Knox Press.
  • Pojman, L & Tramel, P. (2009). Moral Philosophy: A Reader. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing.
  • Rousseau, J. (2004). Of The Social Contract, Or Principles of Political Right. New York, NY: Kessinger Publishing.

Everyone has a moral responsibility to the less fortunate. This is because society is only great, based upon helping these individuals to learn to support themselves and have the skills necessary to sustain a comfortable standard of living. In many cases, the less fortunate will often look at the situation in their environment and feel as if no cares about them. When this happens, they will engage in activities that are illegal and make societal problems even worse. If caring people reach out to them, they will have more resources and support to overcome these challenges. This is when they will make the right choices to live more empowering lives by having a greater sense of values. (Chaffe, 2012)

In the case of the discount retail chain, they are at a crossroads. This is occurring with the company having specific policies that ban the use of child labor and sweatshops at third party providers. Their situation is compounded by the fact that a celebrity stakeholder is receiving bad publicity from these practices. In response, the firm has visited the plant and questioned the manager. He claims that if they were to close, these workers would have no way to survive. This is because they have limited education and their jobs at the plant are the only thing they have. If the company ended its contract, this will result in them turning to illicit activities (i.e. begging, drugs and prostitution) to survive. The challenge is weighing these different interests in order to benefit everyone.

How can this issue be addressed from a Christian worldview? In other words, what guidance from a Biblical perspective could be applied to understand and possibly resolve the dilemma?

From a Christian perspective, the issue can be addressed by taking a balanced perspectives of the conflicting interests. This means that the firm must examine their situation and understand the impact it is having on everyone. The best way that this can be achieved is to look for an alternative third party provider. This will be used as leverage with the current manufacturer to encourage them to change their practices. At the same time, the company can demand higher wages, better working conditions and more benefits. This will increase their costs. However, it will deal with the concerns expressed by celebrities, human rights activists, the workers and the community. Under theological concepts, these practices will produce the best results by taking into consideration everyone’s needs and creating a win – win situation. In many ways, this is what Christianity is about and why it encourages having sense of tolerance and understanding. (Holy Bible, 2007)

For example, virtue ethics is focused on analyzing the character of the individual to determining if they are acting morally correct. It is one of the foundations that help to guide the individual and prevent them from engaging in actions for the benefits of themselves or a specific group. Instead, it is concentrating on supporting the greater good within society. This is taking place by engaging in actions that will achieve these overall objectives. (Pojman & Tramel, 2009)

According to Aristotle, those who are moral will embrace a number of concepts to follow the larger standards of morality. The most notable include: temperance, prudence, courage and justice. Temperance is when the person will have a sense of restraint and understanding for those around them. This means that they will not be judgmental of others and listen to what they have to say. Prudence is when an individual can govern their own lives using moderation and maintaining a sense of objectivity. This enables them to have greater amounts of balance and understanding. (Pojman & Tramel, 2009)

Courage is when a person has the ability to confront fear, danger, uncertainty, intimidation and pain. This can be applied socially, as they will stand up for what they believe in by supporting the position they think is morally correct. While others, may ridicule them or directly threaten this individual with violence / intimidation. Justice is seeking out a sense of equality for everyone based upon ensuring that someone is treated fairly regardless of their standing in society. The combination of these factors is utilized to create a sense of virtues that will guide the individual during this process. This is used as foundation for helping the person to understand and react to the world around them in a way that is empowering other people and society. Taking a balanced approach between these conflicting interests will help the company to create win – win situations. This is when they are living up to larger Christian values and practices. (Pojman & Tramel, 2009)

  • Bornstein, D. (2010). Social Entrepreneurship. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Chaffe, J. (2012). Thinking Critically. Boston, MA: Wadsworth.
  • Ferry, L. (2011). A Brief History of Thought. New York, NY: Harper.
  • Holy Bible. (2007). New International Version. Lebanon, TN: The Giddeons.
  • Loisy, A. (1912). The Gospel and the Church. New York, NY: Charles Scriber.
  • Neusner, J. (2009). World Religions In America. Westminster: John Knox Press.
  • Pojman, L & Tramel, P. (2009). Moral Philosophy: A Reader. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing.
  • Rousseau, J. (2004). Of The Social Contract, Or Principles of Political Right. New York, NY: Kessinger Publishing.

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