
Fats Food Industry and Obesity

1013 words | 4 page(s)

Obesity is one of the most common challenges facing the society today. This is a condition that is characterized by the accumulation of high fat contents in the bodies of the victims that lead to the acquisition of a lot of weight. There are various factors that are associated with the consistent increase in the victims of obesity in the society. The social and cultural transformation that has led to the consistent change of the lives of people is one of the factors that has led to the increased number of obesity victims. On the other hand, the lifestyles of people in the society has also inspired the emergency of the fats food industry that is also perceived to be one of the root causes of obesity. A combination of the lifestyles of people and the functional orientation of the fast food restaurants should be blamed for obesity in the society.

The growth of the fats food industry has been progressive over the years. The growth of the industry has been inspired by the need of the people in the society to have a convenient and affordable food due to the social and economic dynamics (AccuPOS, 2015). The booming of the fats food industry was experienced in the 1950s in which various restaurants emerged with various types of fast foods in order to try and meet the ever increasing demand in the society. The fast food outlets that developed have become some of the most powerful brands in the market today across the globe and their influence has increased the intake of the foods that are perceived to be unhealthy and they cause the obesity challenges.

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In the United States, the social and economic demands of the society have made the fast food industry one of the most powerful and reliable sources of nourishment. As a result a large number of people are employed in the fast food industry and it has emerged to be one of the most powerful pillars of the economy (The Statistical portal, 2014). Some of ye foods that are available in the fast food industries include chicken nuggets, pizza, hotdogs, onion ring, cakes and ice creams. Most of the coffee shops have also been influenced into serving some of these foods. One of the most controversial issues about the fats foods is their high amount of calories and fat contents that are unhealthy for consumption among human beings (Lee, 2014). In order to enhance the accessibility and availability of the fats foods, there various forms of services that are offered including delivery to the residential areas. The high levels of innovation have also inspired the increased intake of the fast foods in various contexts. For instance, these foods can be served through street vendors, in sports arenas and through the food trucks. The fast food outlets are positioned at strategic points like in service stations.

The convenience that is brought about by the fast food industry has decreased the needs and the ability of people to cook for themselves. Home cooked food is perceived to be very nutritious and it is healthy because of the preparation (Swaine, 2010). Most of the people that are tide to very tight working schedules in their daily activities do not have sufficient time to prepare their foods and the fast foods provide a convenient alternative for their nourishment. As a result, the culture of getting the readily prepared foodstuffs from the outlets and the increasing levels of cooking laziness among the people have promoted the fats food industry. The intake of high levels of fats foods that have high content of calories and fat is also one of the factors that has led to increased obesity.

The nature of the foods available at these restaurants is elemental to the increased level of obesity among the people. The food that is available at such outlets is associated with extremely low nutritional value and very amounts of sodium. This is one of the factors that makes these foods detrimental to the healthy being for people (The Statistical portal, 2014). These entities are associated with the gaining of weight that escalates to obesity and other healthy challenges. Obesity is also associated with other chronic medical condition that are severe in the society today. This includes multiple organ malfunction, diabetes and cardiovascular health conditions (Viva Vegie, 2014). These health conditions increase the risk of death among the victims.

The cultural transformations of the society leading to the alteration of the lifestyles of people is also a factors towards the increased uptake of fast foods and unhealthy engagements. The lack of personal responsibility towards making decisions that promote the health status of an individual is one of the factors that have inspired the increase in the uptake of unhealthy foods in the society (Howard, 2015). The lack of physical engagements that can assist in reducing the calories that are increased by ten fats foods is also one of the factors that has led to an increase in obesity in the society.

Therefore, the influence of globalization and the fats socio-cultural transformation dictate the manner which people behave and eat. This transformation has also increased the need for increased convenience in the society regarding the foods that people. As a result, the fats food industry provides the economic and reliability required in the society. However, the nature of the food and its increased intake is attributed to various health challenges presented by obesity and other extreme medical conditions.

  • AccuPOS. The History of Fast Food in America. 2015. Web. Available at http://www.accupos.com/pos-articles/history-of-fast-food-in-america.php
  • Lee, Matthew. Statistics from Health Risks from Eating Fast Food. Healthy Eating Publication. 2014. Available at http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/statistics-health-risks-eating-fast-food-3290.html
  • The Statistical portal. Statistics and Facts about the Fast Food Industry. 2014. Available at http://www.statista.com/topics/863/fast-food/
  • Viva Vegie. Fast Food Facts from the Super-Size Me Website. 2014. Available at http://www.vivavegie.org/101book/text/nolink/social/supersizeme.htm
  • Howard, Mike. Obesity: Personal Responsibility or Blame for Food Companies? Diet Blog. 2015. Available at http://www.diet-blog.com/07/obesity_personal_responsibility_or_blame_food_companies.php

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